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Sitting here.. - Printable Version

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Sitting here.. - fghtffyrdmns - 09-07-2009

watching 300, and smoking my last bowl for at least a month. I'm taking a break for tolerance/to find myself a job. I don't think it'll be difficult, but this is the first time I've ever had to just stop altogether. My boyfriend said he wouldn't smoke as long as I wouldn't, but I told him to go for it. We've got enough money to buy, I'm not going to make him stop when he doesn't have to. I just see it like this: at least when I get a job I'll be able to buy better shit! New pieces too!
Anyway, on an unrelated note, I want to be a more active poster, but I'm intimidated, ahaha. Tell me about yourselves? I don't know anything about anyone 'cept my bb Paul, oh, and Stephan(?) 'cause he's got skillz at stalking. :) Where you from? What do you like to be called? Favorite band and movie? A picture to put a face to a name?

Michelle, Buffalo/Bergen/soon to be Batavia, NY. Call me anything, idgaf. My favorite band is Brand New, favorite movie is probably Fight Club.
[Image: l_6953048e516ecce24941d4e40c728cec.gif]
[Image: m_e93d7b89c4f34f18af7840f0b907d5a2.jpg]

Re: Sitting here.. - sTr - 09-07-2009

nice animated gif... ! can dig the stopping for tolerance, but fuck stopping to find a job. ! use fake piss and it works everytime, $20 investment = bomb ass job...

Re: Sitting here.. - fghtffyrdmns - 09-07-2009

Well, I don't have any girl friends around here, just moved. Even if I drove out to Buffalo and got some from a friend, there'd be no way it's clean, they all smoke too!

Re: Sitting here.. - sTr - 09-07-2009

not real piss, synthetic piss.. way less gross then handling someone's piss...

Re: Sitting here.. - fghtffyrdmns - 09-07-2009

Oh wait, wutttttt. O___O Tell me more, my friend

Re: Sitting here.. - sTr - 09-07-2009

the "Whizzinator" is the most popular, but also the most expensive at around $40-55... ! use an off brand and it's $20 and it works everytime. Prety much they made fake pee that will hit all the points they look for in the test. You warm it up in the microwave before you go, then stuff it in the holster in your pants, go do your business and fill the cup w/ the fake pee, and presto.. job and no quitting weed.

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Re: Sitting here.. - Grimlin - 09-07-2009

Right now this is where i stand.I'm unemployed(laid off in Detroit area),married,has one kid,hates drugs,loves fishing and i try to enjoy life as it passes me by.I wouldn't be surprise if I'm the oldest fucker here as well.

I used to be the biggest fan of Kevin Smith,I was the real life Silent Bob and my boy Willie was the real life Jay.Big fan of old school hip hop and gangsta rap....this new music everybody puts out is pure fucking garbage.I now listen to country music,which incredibly has improved over the years. I used to hate country,now i can actually relate.

As far as movies go,if it's watchable and decent I'll watch it.I prefer Comedy.

Now you know a thing or two about me......

Re: Sitting here.. - Slacker - 09-07-2009

Hang Loose

Re: Sitting here.. - Paullehh - 09-07-2009

I think Felony is the oldest person on the board.
He's like 35.
Old fucker.

-30 going on 20

Re: Sitting here.. - Star - 09-07-2009

hi, my name is star, and i'm one of the only girls that posts around here regularly. um, i'm 22, and i live in indiana with fred, and i'm going to school to learn how to cut people's brains open and make them better. oh, and i have lots of pets. and i'm kind of a sarcastic bitch, but mostly i'm really nice.

Re: Sitting here.. - Slacker - 09-07-2009

daaaaaamn @ katy perry and her b00bs

Re: Sitting here.. - fghtffyrdmns - 09-07-2009

That's exactly what I thought... o__o

How many girls post on here anyway?

Re: Sitting here.. - Slacker - 09-07-2009


Re: Sitting here.. - fghtffyrdmns - 09-07-2009

oh damn, cawkfest.

Re: Sitting here.. - Slacker - 09-07-2009

[Image: cockerels.jpg]

Re: Sitting here.. - Star - 09-07-2009

less than six, i think. i'm the only one that really posts super regularly. mare and kelly have been posting lately. autumn has no internet and enigma pops by once in awhile.

Re: Sitting here.. - sTr - 09-07-2009

melissa, but her house burnt down... she'll be back though....

Re: Sitting here.. - Star - 09-07-2009

i was saving the best for last

Re: Sitting here.. - XxSweetBitchAssxX - 09-08-2009

<---- Mare
From Philadelphia, born and raised (on the playground is where I spent most of my days, chillin' out max and relaxin' all cool, and all shooting some bball, outside of the school... Fresh Prince reference, ya heard?)
but now I live in Clarksville, TN outside of Fort Campbell military base.
I'm 26, in case that matters, haha.
Favorite band ever: glassjaw
Favorite movie: Fight Club

What else was I supposed to add? Not sure. Here's my picture since I haven't posted a real recent one in years.
[Image: 2691384050083725354S425x425Q85.jpg]

Post some recent pics, guys. I want to see some pics of all you nerds too, it's been awhile!

Oh and welcome to the board, girl.

Re: Sitting here.. - Ms Felony - 09-08-2009

my pics can be seen here

Re: Sitting here.. - Paullehh - 09-08-2009

Word, we got he's and she's and even a heshe.

Speaking of that.... gtfo fagbot.

Re: Sitting here.. - Ms Felony - 09-08-2009


Re: Sitting here.. - fghtffyrdmns - 09-08-2009

Mare, I'm seeing Glassjaw when they come to Rochester with my fave band, :3
Felony, I very much like your corset, ahaha.

Re: Sitting here.. - XxSweetBitchAssxX - 09-08-2009

Hell yea!! I haven't seen them in years because they took a huge hiatus and did some solo stuff, but I know they've been touring. I'm just stuck in the south and can't see a show.
Lucky, lucky, lucky, girl. Daryl Palumbo is one my true love.

Re: Sitting here.. - Slacker - 09-08-2009

word @ gj

saw them in dublin last year and nearly rocked myself to death

Re: Sitting here.. - fghtffyrdmns - 09-08-2009

Okay soooo, we re-upped and I didn't even last a day. But it's okay because of Stephan's awesome suggestion! We're ordering a synthetic piss kit in a bit. :)
I was just introduced to Glassjaw not too long ago and I'm slowly getting into them, really excited for the show, ahhhmghr.

Re: Sitting here.. - FxXxckOff - 09-08-2009

My name is Paul or Xavier or K Money. I'm 23 and married with a son. I live in Troy NY. I'm a member of the BBP with slacker and joshy. My favorite movie is American history x and I <3 Metallica.

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Re: Sitting here.. - FxXxckOff - 09-08-2009

Oh and if you want pictures <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"></a><!-- m -->

[ Post made via Mobile Device ] [Image: mobile.png]

Re: Sitting here.. - XxSweetBitchAssxX - 09-09-2009

Haha X I had no idea you were married at all. That's fabulous.

Re: Sitting here.. - FxXxckOff - 09-09-2009

Word. For 3 years in April.

[ Post made via Mobile Device ] [Image: mobile.png]

Re: Sitting here.. - XxSweetBitchAssxX - 09-09-2009

Holy shit, that's awesome. Happy Anniversary x2 for the ones I missed and I'll remember on the one coming up :-*

Re: Sitting here.. - Slacker - 09-09-2009

Hang Loose

Re: Sitting here.. - FxXxckOff - 09-09-2009

Word@Paddy Mack

[ Post made via Mobile Device ] [Image: mobile.png]

Re: Sitting here.. - Slacker - 09-09-2009


Re: Sitting here.. - Autumn - 09-10-2009

Okay. I haven't posted regularly in a while, because my computee is fucked to the core, and I just recently re-attained teh intarwebz.

I'm Autumn. 26. I'm STILL a juggalo, and probably the only one here. haha. Favorite band? Duh, ICP. Favorite movie? Big Money Hustlas. For real. Not a sheep, just LOVE it. I have three dogs, two cats, and two guinea pigs. Practically married, without the ring or papers. ha. That's about it here.