Board 6
Hey, the board is messed up =\ - Printable Version

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Hey, the board is messed up =\ - Star - 09-06-2009

If I right click the last post to open it in a new window (so that it auto-scrolls to the bottom), the url goes all wonky.


Re: Hey, the board is messed up =\ - sTr - 09-06-2009

back now apparently....

Re: Hey, the board is messed up =\ - Star - 09-06-2009

nope, it's still broken for me. i usually right click the last post to open in a new tab...when i hover over the little white sheet of paper it still shows the broken url


Re: Hey, the board is messed up =\ - Ms Felony - 09-06-2009

works for me that way, maybe its you that is broken and wonky?

Re: Hey, the board is messed up =\ - sTr - 09-06-2009

what browser are you using?

Re: Hey, the board is messed up =\ - Toxic Love - 09-06-2009

Last night, nothing would load for me, which is why I only made one post. I was using Firefox and IE, and neither could load any of the pages, even the forum main pages.

Re: Hey, the board is messed up =\ - sTr - 09-06-2009

yeah last night the server was running slow, ! chalk that up to me loading a lot of games and a lot of new load on the server.

Re: Hey, the board is messed up =\ - Star - 09-06-2009

firefox is what i use. it's working again now...maybe it was just going in and out for awhile. *shrug*

Re: Hey, the board is messed up =\ - Star - 09-06-2009

bajaj, so, as soon as i said it was fine and not broken anymore, it started doing it again.

Re: Hey, the board is messed up =\ - sTr - 09-06-2009

just for testing, try it in ie and let me know if it does the same thing.

Re: Hey, the board is messed up =\ - dirtymonkey22 - 09-06-2009

ive had probs loading sometimes myself like right now the arcade isnt working

Re: Hey, the board is messed up =\ - Star - 09-06-2009

yeah, it's fucked in IE for me too

Re: Hey, the board is messed up =\ - sTr - 09-06-2009

!'ll test a few things when ! get home... just out of curiosity if you have a second computer there let me know if it does the same thing on that one too. you might want to check if you have java installed because ! believe the hover text mod was a java script, so it might have something to do with that. (for java go to

Re: Hey, the board is messed up =\ - Star - 09-06-2009

i tried it on my laptop while i was doing my chemistry homework a minute ago, and it was doing the same thing...and i just updated java awhile ago because another website needed to.

Re: Hey, the board is messed up =\ - sTr - 09-06-2009

is it still going back and forth between working or is it totally fucked still?

Re: Hey, the board is messed up =\ - Star - 09-06-2009

it's totally fucked, but i'm used to it now. i don't know why my computer would randomly redirect the link to a broken page, but i guess i'm the only one it's happening to so don't worry about it.

Re: Hey, the board is messed up =\ - Paullehh - 09-06-2009

Something wrong with the youtube embedding they don't seem to play anymore..

[Image: 2rxtjb8.png]

Re: Hey, the board is messed up =\ - sTr - 09-06-2009

there's still got to be a reason, !'m going to try and recreate the problem here, and once ! do that ! should have some kind of solution.

Re: Hey, the board is messed up =\ - sTr - 09-06-2009


bajaj, nice try....

Re: Hey, the board is messed up =\ - sTr - 09-06-2009

update on link issue, ! see what you mean about the last post thing, and ! actually think ! can fix that when ! get home....

Re: Hey, the board is messed up =\ - Star - 09-06-2009

are you at work or something?

Re: Hey, the board is messed up =\ - sTr - 09-06-2009

yeah, but ! do see what you're saying... just to be sure, it's just the last post that's not working, but if you click the thread name it comes up correctly?

Re: Hey, the board is messed up =\ - Star - 09-06-2009

right. i just usually right click the little button next to the name of the last person posting in that thread, and open it in a new tab, so that it auto-jumps to that person's post and i don't have to scroll through pages to see the new content. I can still see the thread, but only if i click the title itself.

Re: Hey, the board is messed up =\ - sTr - 09-06-2009

word, ! misunderstood what you were saying, but ! have the same prob here, and ! know how to fix it, so should be done shortly....

Re: Hey, the board is messed up =\ - sTr - 09-07-2009

should be fixed now, let me know if it works for you?

Re: Hey, the board is messed up =\ - Star - 09-07-2009

woo it works, i was boycotting the board until it got fixed. i'm way too lazy to scroll.

Re: Hey, the board is messed up =\ - sTr - 09-07-2009

!'m always there with the good shit, and you can even change the color of your name now....