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NCAA Football Good Sportsmanship Week - Printable Version

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NCAA Football Good Sportsmanship Week - psychopathic penguin - 09-04-2009

Re: NCAA Football Good Sportsmanship Week - XIII - 09-04-2009

They're training to be murderers, felons, and dog torturers.

Re: NCAA Football Good Sportsmanship Week - psychopathic penguin - 09-04-2009


future nfl is going to be great

Re: NCAA Football Good Sportsmanship Week - XIII - 09-04-2009

What always confuses me is this....

Michael Vick leaves because he gets suspended for operating a huge dog fighting thing, where he himself tortured dogs to death... He comes back and everyone's like, "He deserves a second chance."

Brett Favre considers retiring, and then decides not to, because he wasn't happy with his last season and thinks he's got more left in him... everyone says, "He should retire, he's an asshole and a publicity whore."

I mean, are football fans all mentally disabled?

Re: NCAA Football Good Sportsmanship Week - psychopathic penguin - 09-04-2009

[Image: crazy-fan-at-raiders-game-737513.jpg]

Re: NCAA Football Good Sportsmanship Week - XIII - 09-04-2009

[Image: facepalm.jpg]

Re: NCAA Football Good Sportsmanship Week - sTr - 09-06-2009

all my teams won this week, it helped they were all playing shitty teams....

Re: NCAA Football Good Sportsmanship Week - canttouchthis80 - 09-12-2009

michigan won and michigan state loss wooooooooooooo

Re: NCAA Football Good Sportsmanship Week - sTr - 09-13-2009

the Lions are only down by 3, this game will make or break them...