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Placebo Button - WTF!? - Printable Version

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Placebo Button - WTF!? - sTr - 09-03-2009

[Image: 2645291524_e62d869450.jpg?v=0]

A placebo button is a push-button that appears to do something, but actually has no effect, like a placebo. They exist to give the user an illusion of control.

Many walk buttons at pedestrian crossings in New York City were once functional, but now serve as placebo buttons. Many door close buttons in elevators are placebo buttons. Office thermostats may also function similarly.

Source: <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"></a><!-- m -->

that's just mean, anyone else ever hear of this or possibly experienced it first hand?

Re: Placebo Button - WTF!? - Grimlin - 09-03-2009

Be honest,I wouldn't know....I never checked.

I always assumed they were worked into the computer traffic system. Because i remember a few times standing at one and it always let pedestrian go ahead when the oncoming traffic was at a stop.That was without touching the button.

Re: Placebo Button - WTF!? - Ms Felony - 09-03-2009

[Image: postreplybutton.gif]

Re: Placebo Button - WTF!? - sTr - 09-03-2009

bajaj, the post reply button works here, anyone else have that problem?

Re: Placebo Button - WTF!? - Slacker - 09-03-2009

Hang Loose

Re: Placebo Button - WTF!? - Paullehh - 09-03-2009

Slacker Wrote:[Image: clit2-large.jpg]

Re: Placebo Button - WTF!? - Slacker - 09-03-2009


Re: Placebo Button - WTF!? - Star - 09-03-2009

they don't work here, i saw that article awhile ago too. it irritates me when people push them...they don't work, never have worked, and probably never will. the signs change with the signals.

Re: Placebo Button - WTF!? - Ms Felony - 09-03-2009

The post reply button works.
[Image: postreplybutton.gif] But this one doesn't, Click it to feel the power of control you have.