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WTF on this news story - Printable Version

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WTF on this news story - dirtymonkey22 - 09-03-2009

warning guys its pretty fucked up

holy shit these guys deserve to die death penalty all the way.
this kinda shit makes me sick i have 2 kids and couldn't even fathom doing anything like that

Re: WTF on this news story - Grimlin - 09-03-2009

Messed up....Nobody in their "right" mind would do this.

Re: WTF on this news story - dirtymonkey22 - 09-03-2009

its just pure sick and the fam new they were doing shit to the baby and did nothing

Re: WTF on this news story - sTr - 09-05-2009

wow, that is fucked up, ! haven't watched this vid until now... !'m surprised the news showed the pictures...

Re: WTF on this news story - Paullehh - 09-05-2009

Shit like this makes me feel so angry.
I hope those cunts get beaten stupid regularly in jail.

Re: WTF on this news story - dirtymonkey22 - 09-06-2009

if you listened this happend 6 years ago

Re: WTF on this news story - Star - 09-06-2009

As horrible as that all is, at least the baby is in a better place now, where she can't be hurt anymore. Had she lived, and grown up in that house, her life would have been terrible in ways that we can't even think of, since apparently nobody was willing to get her out of that home.

Re: WTF on this news story - dirtymonkey22 - 09-06-2009

i just dont get how someone could do shit like that to a baby like about 6 months ago this guy in det killed his 3month old raping it in the ass the mom walked into the babys room with the baby laying in blood thats some sick shit

Re: WTF on this news story - Star - 09-06-2009

Yeah. I've heard of people beating children, I just don't understand how twisted you have to be to rape a child...I mean, child molesting is sick in general, but to do it to an infant is horrible. Those people are just totally beyond my comprehension - that little girl was so little that it's not like she could even "provoke" no way am I justifying child abuse, but sometimes when the kids are a little older, the parents will say they hit the kids to get them to shut up, or calm down, or whatever, but infants that little can't even cause a big fuss.

Re: WTF on this news story - Insanecowposse - 09-06-2009

Even hardened criminals will tell you that this kinda stuff is sick. People who harm children and women are the first to die in jail or prison. I never will understand why this stuff happens or what thought process leads a person to do this.

Re: WTF on this news story - Slacker - 09-06-2009

something about suplexes

Re: WTF on this news story - sTr - 09-07-2009

word, suplexes are the shit...