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woohoo! - Grimlin - 09-01-2009

Looks like i just landed a job,waiting for my drug test results(in a few days) and then i have an orientation at the actual company.I had to go to a staffing company to apply way out in troy.Took me an hour and a half to find the place.The actual job I'll have to go is only 30 minutes from here,not sure why their staffing company is so far.

Re: woohoo! - sTr - 09-01-2009

what kind of work is it gonna be? and fuck yeah!

Re: woohoo! - Grimlin - 09-01-2009

Same thing i did at my last job,steel slitter operator.Staring out at around $12.00 an hour,once i get hired on by company I'm sure my pay will increase.

Re: woohoo! - Paullehh - 09-01-2009

Congrats dude.

Re: woohoo! - Slacker - 09-01-2009

well done broseph

Re: woohoo! - Grimlin - 09-01-2009

I'm happy but nervous,Been out of work for almost 10 months now.

Re: woohoo! - dirtymonkey22 - 09-01-2009

well if you need some clean pee let me know i stay in novi mi

Re: woohoo! - XxSweetBitchAssxX - 09-02-2009

Bad ass!!!! Major props and congratulations, man. Glad everything is working out for ya ;)

Re: woohoo! - sTr - 09-03-2009

so when do you start?

Re: woohoo! - Grimlin - 09-03-2009

sTr Wrote:so when do you start?

Don't know yet,still waiting on my results...If they don't call by friday,I'll call them.

I'm guessing after Labor day.

Re: woohoo! - Grimlin - 09-04-2009

Still haven't gotten the call,can't call them because of long distant(don't have it).

I'm in a sour,sour mood now...................

Re: woohoo! - Paullehh - 09-04-2009

Use a payphone dude.

Re: woohoo! - Grimlin - 09-04-2009

Paullehh Wrote:Use a payphone dude.

yeah,I'm going to have to.....I gotta wait till after labor day now though.

Re: woohoo! - Stoopid Dog - 09-05-2009

Good shit.

All the companies around here are on "hiring freeze"

Re: woohoo! - Grimlin - 09-05-2009

The Marshmallow Man Wrote:Good shit.

All the companies around here are on "hiring freeze"

Only thing hiring here is Staffing companies.Doesn't even guarantee a full time job,benefits suck and sometimes they say "hired on" just means temporary work ....but it's the only thing hiring here right now.It's been that way for the last 9 months since the steel and auto companies crashed.

Michigan is still at around 14-15% unemployed rate....still the highest in the country.Unless that changed since last month.

We seem to be getting out of the hiring freeze now,last i heard we were not going to change till next year.Some still say Sept.- Oct. things will start picking up again.We can only hope. :|

Re: woohoo! - Stoopid Dog - 09-05-2009

Danville is right behind that, our local unemployed rate is around 11% but then you count in the rest of the people like me that hasnt even registered themseleves unemployed I bet its doulbe that if not even more.

Re: woohoo! - Grimlin - 09-05-2009

Indeed,my entire trailer park people are mostly unemployed and not counted for either.

A lot of them are selling drugs to support themselves. Can't say i agree with that,but hell,I do understand why they have to do it.

Re: woohoo! - Stoopid Dog - 09-05-2009

Yeah, sometimes you got to do what you got to do.

I myself have stepped out of that type of "work" for good now, though its harder to get by, atlesast I know I wont be taken from my kid for something that petty.

Re: woohoo! - XxSweetBitchAssxX - 09-05-2009

That's horrible man. I will still keep my fingers crossed for the best for you. It sucks so bad people that really WANT to work can't find jobs.

I can't fid shit down here in TN either, and I busted my ass to get a college degree, only to get nothing from it, haha. Epic fail.

Re: woohoo! - Stoopid Dog - 09-05-2009

Haha, things are great though, atleast from my prespective.

Like stated in another thread, I dont have the extras in my life, but rent and bills are paid and food is on the table, and Id rather have that then some 56inch HD tv in my house.

Word@moddest living > Spoiled Living

Re: woohoo! - sTr - 09-07-2009

modest living is cool and all, fuck spoiled living FTW