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I'm about to kill my cats - Printable Version

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I'm about to kill my cats - Grimlin - 08-30-2009

No lie,somehow midge's wedding ring went down the drain disposal.It was in a little box she keeps on the counter and it magically ends up in the disposal. I'm guessing the cats got in the box and decided to play with them last night putting a few other things in there as well.Short story short,I finished doing the dishes and turned on the disposal and made a quick grinding noise.Turned it off really quickly,but it was too late.

Anybody want some Chinese food?Because that's where those cats are going to end up turning into real soon.I'm thinking about getting them bastard neutered real soon.....REVENGE MOTHER FUCKER>>>>> !@#&

*Royally ticked off right now*

Re: I'm about to kill my cats - sTr - 08-30-2009

better start tearing up that sink before she finds out... somehow it'll become your fault...

Re: I'm about to kill my cats - Grimlin - 08-30-2009

She already knows...Trying to convince her to get rid of the cats,she won't...

Re: I'm about to kill my cats - sTr - 08-30-2009

what if the cat "accidentally" runs away,ya dig ;-)

Re: I'm about to kill my cats - Star - 08-30-2009

sounds like fred and i...every time the animals do something shitty, he wants to get rid of them, but i would never do it.

Re: I'm about to kill my cats - Grimlin - 08-30-2009

sTr Wrote:what if the cat "accidentally" runs away,ya dig ;-)

Trust me,if those cats get out I'm not wasting my energy running after them.They can kiss my ass for all i care.

Star,it's the money they are costing me....we can't afford this stuff to happen right now.All my blinds are gone,screens ripped out walls and door posts all scratched up....None of my other cats were even close to being this bad. Losing expensive jewelry is the last straw...

Re: I'm about to kill my cats - Ms Felony - 08-30-2009

What sTr is trying to say here is that maybe you should take the cat for a long walk....

Re: I'm about to kill my cats - NEKESTRO - 08-30-2009

ill have some takeout

Re: I'm about to kill my cats - Star - 08-30-2009

No, I get it. I'd be really upset if that happened - our cats have ruined things I can't afford to replace. I don't know though... I guess it's different because they're my cats, and they were around before Fred, and will never leave even if everybody else does. so I'm willing to forgive them quite a lot.

Re: I'm about to kill my cats - Slacker - 08-30-2009

Grim, ill punch your cats to death for $5

Re: I'm about to kill my cats - Grimlin - 08-30-2009

I plan to let my cat in the house for the night.I have a big outdoor black cat that won't come back inside now since these two new cats are here. Those two newer cats do not know what a good whipping they'd receive from that outdoor cat.They can't stand each other.My black one needs to start coming in again's getting cold and winter's on the way.Once she kicks these little ones ass they'll know where they are in this household. Those two little ones need their asses kicked anyways.

agagagaga @ slacker.

Re: I'm about to kill my cats - Enigma - 08-30-2009

Grimlin Wrote:
sTr Wrote:what if the cat "accidentally" runs away,ya dig ;-)

Trust me,if those cats get out I'm not wasting my energy running after them.They can kiss my ass for all i care.

Star,it's the money they are costing me....we can't afford this stuff to happen right now.All my blinds are gone,screens ripped out walls and door posts all scratched up....None of my other cats were even close to being this bad. Losing expensive jewelry is the last straw...
When I got my cat neutered I also got him declawed. He hasn't been able to tear up furniture or blinds or anything. and since he has no sex drive, all he does is eat. so he's huge. he can't walk down the hall without losing energy. worst thing he's done is knock a cup of ice water on my head while i was sleeping. talk about a rude awakening. :)

and now that we live with Jon and there's a dog door, he goes outside to do his business and I don't have to clean a litter box, which is very nice. :)

Re: I'm about to kill my cats - Grimlin - 08-30-2009

Nice....Will talk to Cheri about declawing as well....

Re: I'm about to kill my cats - Enigma - 08-30-2009

it can be up to 100 for declawing, and some people think it's a form of torture, but it's totally worth it.

i was against it at first, but i was living with my aunt and she told me if i wanted to keep him i had to get him declawed, so i did. 4 years later i'm totally appreciative of it.

Re: I'm about to kill my cats - Slacker - 08-30-2009

wow, its cheaper to have someone from the internet to punch a cat to death than for a vet to take its claws off

what a world

Re: I'm about to kill my cats - Enigma - 08-30-2009

who would buy the ticket for you to get to MI?

or would the cats be flown to Ireland?

Re: I'm about to kill my cats - Slacker - 08-30-2009

id do it via the internet

Re: I'm about to kill my cats - Grimlin - 08-30-2009


I think i got Cheri convince the cats need to go. She's realizing we don't have the money to clip and declaw them.
I guess she will post some "free to good homes" signs at work.

Not particularly happy with myself since she and the kid likes these cats....I just don't have any other choice.These cats aren't even more than 6 months old and already tearing the house up.

Re: I'm about to kill my cats - dirtymonkey22 - 08-30-2009

well i say kill the cats and plant a knife on them and say they atacked you (total fram job ) cats are evil

i use to love cats till i met my wifes cat she had a all white cat that would gwrol like a dog at me and swipe at me. i fucking hated that cat i would of framed it or paid slaker but it die a few years back it was old.besides dogs are so much cooler
[Image: catknifegun.jpg]

[Image: catwithgun.jpg]

Re: I'm about to kill my cats - sTr - 08-30-2009

my cat owns all cats, he just likes to fuck with teh catnip a bit, that's all...

Re: I'm about to kill my cats - Grimlin - 08-30-2009

One of our cats look exactly like those pictures.

Re: I'm about to kill my cats - Star - 08-31-2009

aww i want the cats

Re: I'm about to kill my cats - crys - 08-31-2009

do NOT declaw the cats, any cats, ever. <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"></a><!-- m -->

Re: I'm about to kill my cats - sTr - 08-31-2009

word, ! agree, de-clawing the cats is mean... it should be enough to neuter them.. worst comes to worst, if you neuter the cat and it doesn't shape up after that look into de-clawing.. if anything buy some soft claws and that will fix the issue of tearing shit up....

Re: I'm about to kill my cats - crys - 08-31-2009

I'm really not trying to sound like a bitch here, despite that fact that I know I always do, but for real, why wasnt midge wearing her ring? Maybe you guys should reconsider where you keep the rings from now on?

Re: I'm about to kill my cats - Grimlin - 08-31-2009

crys Wrote:I'm really not trying to sound like a bitch here, despite that fact that I know I always do, but for real, why wasnt midge wearing her ring? Maybe you guys should reconsider where you keep the rings from now on?

Don't know,maybe cleaning with some house hold chemicals and put the rings in a box on the counter.She might have forgot to put it back on before she went to bed.Which she does once in awhile....usually she'll wake up and put them on.

I don't keep mine on either specially when I'm working with grease or oil.Or anything dirty.It comes off when I'm working.

Nobody keeps their rings on 24/7....Really ain't a big deal,specially when there is a reason behind it.

The cats are on craigslist now....It's not just the's a bunch of other stuff.They literally tore up this house.I've tried water bottle spraying them when they do or get into something to now smacking the fuck out of them(these cats are seriously stubborn).I can't continue to lose money over these animals.I haven't found a job yet since being laid off due to this shitty economy.We don't have the money to keep them...flat out.Specially when they are costing me this much money right now.These two are pure trouble makers.

Re: I'm about to kill my cats - Star - 08-31-2009

cats hate the smell of vinegar - you can spray it to make boundaries. i've done it with mine and it works.

Re: I'm about to kill my cats - sTr - 08-31-2009

animals rock...

[Image: 1236166777_amazing_police_dog_catches_shooter.gif]

Re: I'm about to kill my cats - Paullehh - 08-31-2009

Woahh that was like superdog!

Re: I'm about to kill my cats - Grimlin - 08-31-2009

Craigslist took the ad down.....apparently can't have animal ads.....


Re: I'm about to kill my cats - sTr - 08-31-2009

more like faggots if you ask me... and it's probably because you're in the detroit area, they allow pet ads here.

Re: I'm about to kill my cats - crys - 09-01-2009

that is what I figured Grimlin, I take my rings off when I clean the kitchen and bathrooms, not gonna help now, but I would recommend putting them somewhere else, I put mine on the entertainment center.

Re: I'm about to kill my cats - sTr - 09-01-2009

on a side note, ! wonder if goatse takes his wedding ring off when he washes the dishes?

Re: I'm about to kill my cats - XxSweetBitchAssxX - 09-01-2009

Hahaha, I'm sure he does, Stephan.
I take mine off to take a shower because it gets stuck in my hair or to clean, but I put it in a container on my dresser beforehand. I have knocked almost every piece of jewelry ever down the drain myself, so I have to safeguard against myself, heh.

I thought you could have pet ads on craigslist too?

Re: I'm about to kill my cats - Grimlin - 09-01-2009

Quote:free stuff (no "wanted" ads, pets, promotional giveaways, or intangible/digital items please)

I tried to put it as livestock farm animals as well and they took that down too....agagaga. I told them it's "Farm cats"...