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Just cause 2 - Printable Version

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Just cause 2 - Paullehh - 08-26-2009

Anybody played the first game?
Loved it but it needed a little more!
The second game looks like it may deliver the goods, check it out.

Re: Just cause 2 - XIII - 08-26-2009

They never show what happens when you land.... what do you do with the parachute? I assume you can only use it once?

Also, I don't like how the chute goes through trees. That should be a HUGE factor in a game like this.

With that said, it looks super fun, and I'll probably pick that bad boy up.

Re: Just cause 2 - Paullehh - 08-26-2009

Nope it's a magic chute and you use it over and over and pull of some crazy stunts clinging onto vehicles from cars to airplanes/helicopters etc.
There are other gameplay videos if you search you will see more driving and on the ground stuff.
As for the stupid physics of parachute in trees that's down to the dumb consoles not being able to handle it.

Re: Just cause 2 - Paullehh - 09-30-2009

Bump for being the 1337 topic!!!

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