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Just realised today.. - Printable Version

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Just realised today.. - Paullehh - 08-25-2009

I have not had a drop of alcohol in 3 weeks!
That's the longest time without any booze since i was like 16.
I'm 30 now to put that in perspective.

Re: Just realised today.. - sTr - 08-25-2009

damn, 3 weeks... how did you not notice... get some booze!

Re: Just realised today.. - Paullehh - 08-25-2009

Going to leave it a bit.
Seems i depend on it for my skateboarding and don't do my best till i'm full of the drink.

Re: Just realised today.. - canttouchthis80 - 08-25-2009

drink damm it drink

Re: Just realised today.. - sTr - 08-25-2009

If you drink they will cum....

By they ! Mean me....

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Re: Just realised today.. - canttouchthis80 - 08-25-2009

<- take the boo's

Re: Just realised today.. - Paullehh - 08-25-2009

Booze even.
This time i'm correcting you.

Re: Just realised today.. - Ms Felony - 08-25-2009


Re: Just realised today.. - psychopathic penguin - 08-26-2009

i'm going to teh beer store in 20 mins

oh, it's 5:40a right now in case you were wondering

working nights and partying in teh morning rocks because while everyone else is standing in line with their coffee and donuts, i'm grabbing a 30 pack of Busch

i get quite a few looks but i know they're looks of jelousy

Re: Just realised today.. - sTr - 08-26-2009

! can't wait to get out of work and start drinking. it was slow as shit today, they bought us lunch and they were giving away free shit. ! knew something was going down. then bam, the hammer was dropped, bunch of peeps got laid off... luckily not me, not yet... they were bringing peeps in one by one, mt anxiety is too shitty for me to go through that... but ! made it and jobs still in effect, so beer must be destroyed...

Re: Just realised today.. - canttouchthis80 - 08-26-2009

dont destroy the beer drink it

Re: Just realised today.. - sTr - 08-26-2009

! mean, destroy with your gullet....

Re: Just realised today.. - canttouchthis80 - 08-26-2009

demands atleast 10 cans must be downed

Re: Just realised today.. - sTr - 08-27-2009

not sure how many ! drank, but enough was had, good times were made.