Board 6
Prank Dissolving Bikinis!!! - Printable Version

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Prank Dissolving Bikinis!!! - sTr - 08-23-2009


oh... hell.... yeah.....

Re: Prank Dissolving Bikinis!!! - Paullehh - 08-23-2009

Awsome, just make it so the joints dissolve and damn i wish i had some of those to gift people.

Re: Prank Dissolving Bikinis!!! - SciRob - 08-24-2009

All I get is a big ol' white box.

Re: Prank Dissolving Bikinis!!! - Paullehh - 08-24-2009

Update your flash player.

Re: Prank Dissolving Bikinis!!! - psychopathic penguin - 08-25-2009

fucking AWESOME

Re: Prank Dissolving Bikinis!!! - psychopathic penguin - 08-26-2009

bump for board pwnage and total awesomeness

Re: Prank Dissolving Bikinis!!! - sTr - 08-26-2009

! want one of these, but for like jogging suits, so when they run through the sprinklers, bam boozled...

Re: Prank Dissolving Bikinis!!! - canttouchthis80 - 08-26-2009

what if theres no sprinklers

Re: Prank Dissolving Bikinis!!! - sTr - 08-26-2009

!'ll piss on em...

Re: Prank Dissolving Bikinis!!! - canttouchthis80 - 08-26-2009

u think people that are running can be pissed on or would they stop for u

Re: Prank Dissolving Bikinis!!! - sTr - 08-26-2009

! would kick em in the face and piss on them, then make em' start running again...

Re: Prank Dissolving Bikinis!!! - canttouchthis80 - 08-26-2009

what if u knock them out ?

Re: Prank Dissolving Bikinis!!! - sTr - 08-26-2009

!'ll piss in their face so they wake up...

Re: Prank Dissolving Bikinis!!! - canttouchthis80 - 08-26-2009

that could work and i expeccted u to have more people on this form just seems like the same old constant posters since i last came on

Re: Prank Dissolving Bikinis!!! - sTr - 08-26-2009

people hate us... :(

Re: Prank Dissolving Bikinis!!! - canttouchthis80 - 08-26-2009

i think i have a hate club myself so i wonder what this bored could accomplsih death threats maybe