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Fuck My Life - Printable Version

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Fuck My Life - Insanecowposse - 08-23-2009

After 2 weeks of holding out for this stupid ass girl she tells me she has the day off and she wants to go out. This is at 8:30am she tells me all the places that we are going to go and then never calls back. Meanwhile I am being a supreme dick to anyone who talks on the phone too long and constantly checking to see if she called like a total friggin loser. Then when i have finally given up hope I decide to go out at like 1:30 am to get the dogs food cus they are out of food. On the way back the car dies about 3 miles from where I live. People are driving by like total assholes and just staring. I finally make it about a mile and a half pushing the car switching with Lycerancas or wtf
pushing or stearing to a 7-eleven. The guy agrees to jump the car and then it stalls. we try again and eventually we get it running and i take off it dies at about 9 and coolidge a few blockis from the house but still far when you pushing a car. Finally home i see that the fucking dogs got into a box of instant mashed potatoes and spread the crumbs all over the house. By the way Larry I'm gonna need a ride and a new alternator so yeah fuck my life what a shitty day.

Re: Fuck My Life - Enigma - 08-23-2009

that really sucks. and the reason why i drive a standard. fuck pushing a car for long. just push start it and be on your merry way.

Re: Fuck My Life - sTr - 08-23-2009

fuck cars and fuck michigan... and fuck steve ;)

Re: Fuck My Life - Insanecowposse - 08-23-2009

hey. it is an automatic but cus the alternators gone their is a constant drain on the battery and so it never got enough to start again.

Re: Fuck My Life - sTr - 08-24-2009

this is why ! want an electric car. ! don't go far, and ! don't wanna deal with that kinda hassle....

Re: Fuck My Life - Ms Felony - 08-25-2009

everything is designed specifically to fuck up, have you ever noticed why the fuck they make round drill bits and the drill chuck is round aswell.

If they built it too good in the first place they'll redesign it and make it shittier so it fucks up.

Re: Fuck My Life - sTr - 08-25-2009

they should build things liek teh good ol' days, they use to make everything work like a well oiled slave..

Re: Fuck My Life - psychopathic penguin - 08-26-2009

my fml situation > yours

Re: Fuck My Life - sTr - 08-26-2009

* agrees *

but where have you been steve? haven't seen ya in a few days...