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PS3 controller for $5 woop woop sell em on ebay - Printable Version

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PS3 controller for $5 woop woop sell em on ebay - Paullehh - 08-22-2009

After seeing that tv thing i thought this might be of interest.

Re: PS3 controller for $5 woop woop sell em on ebay - sTr - 08-22-2009

! love fry's electronics... may go pick up a few of these, it's about 4 blocks from me....

Re: PS3 controller for $5 woop woop sell em on ebay - Grimlin - 08-22-2009

agagaga...this brings me back....Me and a buddy of mine used to go to that store down in Texas and one day,they changed the name.I asked this big black guy who must have been the door greeter for the day who worked there what happened to Fry's and he said in a deep ass eerie voice "Fry's is no more".I thought i was talking to darth vader...

Re: PS3 controller for $5 woop woop sell em on ebay - Paullehh - 08-22-2009

Better order online and pick up at store i imagine the stocks will vanish real fast

Re: PS3 controller for $5 woop woop sell em on ebay - sTr - 08-22-2009

fry's always has sales like this, they are the shit, son...

Re: PS3 controller for $5 woop woop sell em on ebay - Insanecowposse - 08-22-2009

I always go the the store cus i have to have it like immediately i hate waiting 6 weeks.

Re: PS3 controller for $5 woop woop sell em on ebay - sTr - 08-22-2009

it's so much cheaper online for the most part.... fry's is bad ass because they compete w/ online prices or at least come close to it a lot...

Re: PS3 controller for $5 woop woop sell em on ebay - Insanecowposse - 08-22-2009

i'll have to check it out then.

Re: PS3 controller for $5 woop woop sell em on ebay - sTr - 08-22-2009

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