Board 6
this woman is friggin nuts! - Printable Version

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this woman is friggin nuts! - Insanecowposse - 08-20-2009


Re: this woman is friggin nuts! - Ms Felony - 08-20-2009

fair play, if that happened in england she would've got a criminal record for weilding a dangerous weapon, that pisses me off when you're not alloed to defend yourself from assholes....

Re: this woman is friggin nuts! - Paullehh - 08-20-2009

Word you get fucking arrested and charged and possibly jailed if you assault a burgalar.

Re: this woman is friggin nuts! - Slacker - 08-20-2009

word you do

the uk is a strange place to live

Re: this woman is friggin nuts! - Insanecowposse - 08-20-2009

you would think the guy woulda just shot her

Re: this woman is friggin nuts! - Grimlin - 08-20-2009

I honestly believe anybody who works in those type of stores should be allowed to carry a gun and use it.

I'm surprise the guy didn't shoot her as well.

Fuck UK,here we have rights to bare arms.We use that rights.All you need is a camera proving it(like in the video) was self defense and they won't say a damn thing here.

Re: this woman is friggin nuts! - sTr - 08-21-2009

! agree, these companies just tell the workers, if they want the money give it to them, they won't harm you... not true, if they are fucked up enough to get loose in public they are crazy enough to kill your ass....

Re: this woman is friggin nuts! - Ms Felony - 08-21-2009

word, if they can rip out there own instestines while fucked up on meth, who knows what else they could do?

Re: this woman is friggin nuts! - sTr - 08-23-2009

hell yeah, as long as they don't rip out my intestines we all good...