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Don't dump Babies Here - Printable Version

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Don't dump Babies Here - Insanecowposse - 08-17-2009

[Image: babiesp.jpg]

Re: Don't dump Babies Here - sTr - 08-17-2009

[Image: dumpster-baby.jpg]

Re: Don't dump Babies Here - Slacker - 08-18-2009

[Image: 51vqwwxmfhl_sl500_aa240_.jpg]

Re: Don't dump Babies Here - NEKESTRO - 08-18-2009

this has inspired me

Re: Don't dump Babies Here - Insanecowposse - 08-18-2009

I was looking at the pic thinking someone sick enough to dump there baby in a dumpster is gonna look at that stupid ass sign and say oh i guess i shouldn't dump my baby here I'll leave it somewhere else.

Re: Don't dump Babies Here - Slacker - 08-18-2009

the river

Re: Don't dump Babies Here - Star - 08-18-2009

yeah, i don't think it'll really head anybody off. i hope that people dumping their babies would just give them to the fire department, although i don't know how true it is that they won't take any kind of legal action against you. if you dump the baby in a dumpster though, they will inevitably find you and you'll get in way more trouble. somebody is going to notice that you were pregnant yesterday, and now you're not, and don't have the baby with you, and there's one on the news that was abandoned.

Re: Don't dump Babies Here - Slacker - 08-18-2009

haha true

Re: Don't dump Babies Here - Insanecowposse - 08-18-2009

assuming that 1. people pay attention to stuff like that 2. people actually care 3. that they would go to the authorities with that information

Re: Don't dump Babies Here - Star - 08-18-2009

you'd be surprised. people that don't want to get involved over homicides, burglaries, rapes, and things of that nature, are probably way more likely to report the lady that dumped her baby. society in general has a soft spot for young ones.

Re: Don't dump Babies Here - Insanecowposse - 08-18-2009

I heard that rapist and child molestors are quick to get killed in jail so even criminals look down on that kinda stuff. You know involving women and children.

Re: Don't dump Babies Here - sTr - 08-18-2009

Word, look @ jeffrey domber, nig was in there less then two weeks, got beat down twice and killed like a mothafucka....

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Re: Don't dump Babies Here - Insanecowposse - 08-18-2009

broomstick in da bum is what i heard

Re: Don't dump Babies Here - sTr - 08-18-2009

! knew it involved a broomstick, never knew it was in the buns though... that's a shitty way to go.. literally...

Re: Don't dump Babies Here - Slacker - 08-18-2009

dahmer was a crazy bastard

Re: Don't dump Babies Here - Grimlin - 08-18-2009

I hear about this all the time....I'm actually surprise they have signs up though.Never thought i see one of this is a first.

They had a show on this a few years ago,related mostly to unwanted teenage pregnancy.

Re: Don't dump Babies Here - sTr - 08-19-2009

finally, ! found a place to dump em....

[Image: baby+dump+-+3.jpg]

Re: Don't dump Babies Here - Insanecowposse - 08-19-2009

Sweet now i gotta make one just so i can dump it there...... hey STR bend over!

Re: Don't dump Babies Here - sTr - 08-20-2009

no p, only a b, and butts don't make babies... whores do...

Re: Don't dump Babies Here - Insanecowposse - 08-20-2009

i've ben doing it wrong this whole time.....

Re: Don't dump Babies Here - sTr - 08-21-2009

stick it in the pink, not the stink...

Re: Don't dump Babies Here - Paullehh - 08-21-2009

Both are acceptable.
Why dump kids with the fire department?
They are on fire?

Re: Don't dump Babies Here - sTr - 08-21-2009

! say just flush em down the toilet...

Re: Don't dump Babies Here - Insanecowposse - 08-21-2009

is that what happens when i finish in the toilet?

Re: Don't dump Babies Here - sTr - 08-21-2009

sorta/kinda, just not as cloggly...