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Burglar taunts laptop theft victim via Facebook - sTr - 08-17-2009

[Image: facebook%20logo.jpg]

Quote:A web-savvy burglar has taunted one of his victims on Facebook, after stealing her laptop and logging into her account.

Victoria Richardson from Hove logged on to Facebook after the robbery and found the cheeky little message of "on my new laptop" waiting for her.

The burglar also bragged about the other things he stole from her, including a phone and a Nintendo DS, with the rather poetic, punctuation-free missive: "Listening to music on my new phone feels so good."

Porn free

To add insult to injury, the burglar then went on to explain why he didn't steal Richardson's TV, explaining: "I have the laptop , phones ok but a bit scratched itll [sic] do, tv was rubbish so I left it , ds was a bonus, now to the porn shop, thankyou toshiba is my favourite make".

Not sure what he will get for a laptop at a "porn shop" but we're positive he'll find a way. It reminds us of the time when we went to a tea room to purchase some tees for an upcoming golf match.

A spokesperson for Sussex police said about the incident: "Being burgled is traumatic enough for any family but for the culprit to apparently use their stolen possessions to publicly gloat over the crime is a sinister twist.

"As with all burglaries we are taking the matter seriously and a thorough investigation is under way to bring this offender to justice."

Via The Telegraph

Re: Burglar taunts laptop theft victim via Facebook - Paullehh - 08-17-2009

Bajajaj that sucks.

Re: Burglar taunts laptop theft victim via Facebook - Ms Felony - 08-17-2009

the burglers kind of stupid airing that since he's gonna get caught.

Re: Burglar taunts laptop theft victim via Facebook - Grimlin - 08-17-2009

Talk about adding insult to the injury.

Word @ he's going to get caught.

Re: Burglar taunts laptop theft victim via Facebook - N-Do - 08-17-2009


Re: Burglar taunts laptop theft victim via Facebook - Insanecowposse - 08-17-2009

If he doesn't get caught thats going to make law enforcement look really stupid and encourage more behaviour like that.

Re: Burglar taunts laptop theft victim via Facebook - sTr - 08-17-2009

it already has... muaahahahahahaha!!! IT ALREADY HAS!!!!

Re: Burglar taunts laptop theft victim via Facebook - Grant - 08-17-2009

WOW. That sucks for her

Re: Burglar taunts laptop theft victim via Facebook - Insanecowposse - 08-17-2009

any follow up on the story if he got caught?

Re: Burglar taunts laptop theft victim via Facebook - sTr - 08-18-2009

nothing yet, and ! doubt the dude gets caught, unless he signs on his internet from home to post... a smart man would have had that shit erased and loaded w/ linux today...

Re: Burglar taunts laptop theft victim via Facebook - Insanecowposse - 08-18-2009

he got porn with it too.