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Just Saw the new Star Trek - Printable Version

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Just Saw the new Star Trek - Insanecowposse - 08-16-2009

I went to the dollar show to see the new star trek and i would reccomend it. They even Brought back Leonard Nemoy
as SPock from the future and he had a pretty strong role in the film. A lot of action a little sexy but no nudity. Also a really good story line that highlites the beginnings of all of the starfleet but mostly on Spock and Captain Kirk.

Re: Just Saw the new Star Trek - sTr - 08-16-2009

hell yeah, that movie was the win... way better then ! imagined...

Re: Just Saw the new Star Trek - dirtymonkey22 - 08-17-2009

fuck yeah it was dammm good

the only thing that pissed me off about it is people saying it was a remake when in the movie they explain it a diffrent timeline

Re: Just Saw the new Star Trek - juggalogigolo - 08-17-2009

saw it when it first came out, fucking epic

Re: Just Saw the new Star Trek - sTr - 08-17-2009

word @ that... really the one thing that actually really did piss me off about teh new star wars movie is that they hid r2d2 in some of the scenes... fuck that, that is some bullshit, and probably broke some fan boys hearts out there....

Re: Just Saw the new Star Trek - Grant - 08-17-2009

it was really really good.

Re: Just Saw the new Star Trek - Slacker - 08-18-2009

its no back to the future 2

Re: Just Saw the new Star Trek - sTr - 08-18-2009

[Image: trekyourselfj.jpg]

Re: Just Saw the new Star Trek - Slacker - 08-18-2009
