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District 9 - Printable Version

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District 9 - Insanecowposse - 08-15-2009

I really wanna see this. A friend of mine from highschool is telling me I have to see it. Any of you seen it? Is it Bad ass?

Re: District 9 - Paullehh - 08-15-2009

Waiting for a dvd quality download of this one.

Re: District 9 - Insanecowposse - 08-15-2009

heres a silly review of the movie

Re: District 9 - sTr - 08-15-2009

Hell yeah, can't wait for a good quality version of this flick....

[ Post made via Mobile Device ] [Image: mobile.png]

Re: District 9 - Star - 08-16-2009

idk if we'll see it or not. i really hate aliens, but it doesn't look that bad.

Re: District 9 - CrAzYT - 08-16-2009

My sister said it was really good, and not what she expected it to be, whatever that means. I was going to go to a midnight showing but I caught a cold and couldn't make it, unfortunately.

Re: District 9 - SciRob - 08-16-2009

From the commercials I've seen, this looks like its a really good film.

Re: District 9 - juggalogigolo - 08-17-2009

i wanna see it really bad, but im sick as fuck atm

Re: District 9 - sTr - 08-17-2009

! can't wait to see this movie, eve the poster is bad ass...

[Image: district-9-poster-0.jpg]

Re: District 9 - juggalogigolo - 08-18-2009

just saw it tonight, it was fucking BADASS, best movie since watchmen, star hated it LOL but shes scared of aliens and "bad shit" and end of the world type movies

Re: District 9 - Ms Felony - 08-18-2009

[Image: nonhumans.png]

gonna print one of these off and put it in my window,

Re: District 9 - dirtymonkey22 - 08-18-2009

yeah ive only heard really good things about this movie

Re: District 9 - Insanecowposse - 08-18-2009


Re: District 9 - Slacker - 08-18-2009

-not too fussed either way

Re: District 9 - Star - 08-18-2009

i don't get what was so fucking amazing about it

Re: District 9 - Paullehh - 08-18-2009

Girls like movies to look like this...
[Image: summer_meadows_screensaver-212847-1235099003.jpeg]

Re: District 9 - Slacker - 08-18-2009

i like movies

Re: District 9 - Paullehh - 08-18-2009

That's more cock than anything else.
This raises concern.

Re: District 9 - Slacker - 08-18-2009


Re: District 9 - juggalogigolo - 08-18-2009


Re: District 9 - Insanecowposse - 08-18-2009

Slacker would you feel weird if i fapped on your post about what kinda movies you like?

Re: District 9 - Slacker - 08-18-2009

not at all

Re: District 9 - Star - 08-18-2009

i like movies like slacker likes better than i like animated movies

Re: District 9 - Slacker - 08-18-2009

star = cool beans

Re: District 9 - Star - 08-18-2009


Re: District 9 - Slacker - 08-18-2009

Star Wrote:<3

Re: District 9 - Insanecowposse - 08-18-2009

Did this turn into a fap thread?

Re: District 9 - Slacker - 08-18-2009


Re: District 9 - Insanecowposse - 08-18-2009

doing a search on slacker posts now

Re: District 9 - Ms Felony - 08-18-2009

don't bother, its all true

Re: District 9 - juggalogigolo - 08-18-2009


Re: District 9 - Paullehh - 09-04-2009

District 9 is now in the downloads.

Re: District 9 - sTr - 09-05-2009

dude, ! downloaded and watched it last night. this movie is the fuckin' bimb. if you haven't checked it out yet you have to see it, pretty bad ass.

Re: District 9 - Chevy2Dope - 09-07-2009

I loved that movie

Re: District 9 - fghtffyrdmns - 09-07-2009

I saw it at the drive in, but we were one of those assholes that came in half way through
(we are ALWAYS late for EVERYTHING).
From what I saw it was really BA, and I liked how there was some closure during the end, I hate when movies end and you don't know/can't figure out what the fuck is going to happen afterwards.