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Game breaking bug found in wow by genius! - Printable Version

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Game breaking bug found in wow by genius! - Paullehh - 08-14-2009

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Re: Game breaking bug found in wow by genius! - Insanecowposse - 08-14-2009

Alt-F4 is a windows command to exit the current program. what a friggin moron. I hope he was joking.

Re: Game breaking bug found in wow by genius! - Ms Felony - 08-14-2009

try ctrl+w

Re: Game breaking bug found in wow by genius! - Insanecowposse - 08-15-2009

nice they both work on my comp. I so didn't do that while reading this and have to re log in cus that would be stupid.....

Re: Game breaking bug found in wow by genius! - Star - 08-16-2009


people try in trade chat to get morons to type alt+f4 whenever someone asks how to do something in game. they also try to tell people that if you type /camp it sets up a little tent and campfire, but it only logs you out of the game. personally, the /camp one is gay, because it gives you 20 seconds to log out, so you'd have to be a total tard to not realize what was going on. and meh, if you accidentally close the game, so what? it's not like anything terrible is going to happen