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Now thats Fucked! - Insanecowposse - 08-14-2009

[Image: ownedoon.jpg]

Re: Now thats Fucked! - sTr - 08-14-2009

bajajajaj, ! saw that the other day... that's why ! kinda get scared to talk about work too much here.... WANKERS!

Re: Now thats Fucked! - Star - 08-14-2009

bajaj, awesome. stupid bitches deserve that kind of thing.

Re: Now thats Fucked! - Ms Felony - 08-14-2009

she got pwned, rightly so if she's gonna bitch about doing her job.

Re: Now thats Fucked! - Paullehh - 08-14-2009

Bajaj that's pure gold.

Re: Now thats Fucked! - XIII - 08-14-2009

[Image: applause.gif]

I can't wait until fb and twitter are dead.

It's 2009's "pet rock."

Re: Now thats Fucked! - sTr - 08-14-2009

yeah, make way for B6, 2010's pet co-..rock...

Re: Now thats Fucked! - Ms Felony - 08-14-2009

XIII Wrote:I can't wait until fb and twitter are dead.

It's 2009's "pet rock."

i can understand facebook being retarded, but twitter is even more retarded, who wants to read what your doing everyday, yeah...everyday you sit behind your computer and wright about yourself sitting behind a computer writing on twitter, great fail.


Re: Now thats Fucked! - Enigma - 08-15-2009

bajajajaj! that was awesome.

Re: Now thats Fucked! - Grant - 08-15-2009

that was fucking awsome lol

Re: Now thats Fucked! - dirtymonkey22 - 08-15-2009

fucking twitter is some kind of consperisey because its funny how no one new what it was and one day its everywere its fucking skynet .
i remember going online a couple months ago it was on almost every website and tv ad thats alot of fucking money for a ad it just tells me somethings wrong with it . think about it myspace and facebook gradually got bigger and bigger and this monster came out of nowere

Re: Now thats Fucked! - sTr - 08-15-2009

Fuck em all, they're all just glorified message boards/chat rooms.... b6 ftw

[ Post made via Mobile Device ] [Image: mobile.png]

Re: Now thats Fucked! - Grant - 08-15-2009

i agree lol twitter sucks

Re: Now thats Fucked! - XIII - 08-15-2009

What I hate is how when the government says they need to do something to protect us, everyone's like OMG MY PRIVACY!!! CONSTITUTION!!! WAH WAH!!!!

Then they go online and put pictures of themselves smoking weed, getting drunk, and in this case, insulting their boss.

One or the other, do you want privacy, or don't you?

Ugh... people are so stupid, they don't even know.

Re: Now thats Fucked! - dirtymonkey22 - 08-15-2009

we are being controlled like it or not the masses are stupid and dont relise how fucked they are getting and those of use that relise it cant do shit about it

Re: Now thats Fucked! - Ms Felony - 08-15-2009

dirtymonkey22 Wrote:we are being controlled like it or not the masses are stupid and dont relise how fucked they are getting and those of use that relise it cant do shit about it

word, just keep ya head down and when the time comes dissapear.

Re: Now thats Fucked! - sTr - 08-22-2009

[Image: 128954451268422382.jpg?w=500&h=393]

here's another for you guys...

Re: Now thats Fucked! - Paullehh - 08-22-2009

Bajaj that could only be better if her fiance posted on it that she was dumped along with some other humiliating shit.

Re: Now thats Fucked! - Grimlin - 08-22-2009

That's how i caught my last ex cheating on me.She posted some shit on some dude's message board.My homie pointed it out to me.Then when i confronted her about it,she tried to play it off.

I love this shit when people say shit they aren't suppose to be.It brings out their real character.It amazes me how stupid people are nowadays.

Re: Now thats Fucked! - Insanecowposse - 08-22-2009

this girl at my work is so friggin stupid her boyfriend posts on all these other girls facebooks and they respond back with all sorts of flirting. Then she responds back with some direct quote from the bible and acts like her man isn't trying to sleep with every girl on the planet.

Re: Now thats Fucked! - Enigma - 08-22-2009

that was fucking classic! hahaha!

Re: Now thats Fucked! - Toxic Love - 08-23-2009

I remember when I worked for Wawa, the corporate fellows were actually searching facebook/myspace for provacotive (sp?) things just to fire or not hire people for. Then it got down to the individual level where GM's were going through it. I always had my profiles on private and never kept any management friends. I had some co-workers, but we never talked about work online. Any "risky" pictures I never put online anyway. If it's on the internet, it's not private.

The cool thing is, my supervisors and co-workers are all friends of mine on facebook right now, and we all understand you do NOT talk about work online. One kid actually took pictures of Bon Jovi's cats and put them on the internet.... and got fired the next day. 2 other people were shit-talking specific people and name dropping. They got fired a week later for continuing harrassment. You could talk casually online... but work is work. It's supposed to be confidential.

Re: Now thats Fucked! - Enigma - 08-23-2009

at first i was confused. i was like, why would your co-worker at wawa have pictures of bon jovi's cats? and why would it matter to management if he posted their pictures? then i remembered that you work at a vet clinic. lol.

i don't usually talk about work. nothing really interesting to talk about anyway.

Re: Now thats Fucked! - Insanecowposse - 08-23-2009

so bon jovis cats in a vet shop is like what animal porn?