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Jose Canseco vs Rodney King - Printable Version

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Jose Canseco vs Rodney King - Clizownmothafackoz17 - 08-14-2009

No I'm not making this shit up. And I'm not starting the rumor. Allegedly the fight is already in the works. And it would pit the washed up, steroid fueled former A's slugger, who recently was knocked out by Hong Man Choi and several other people, against the Sacramento native made famous by getting viciously beaten by the LAPD on video tape. As I hear it, the fight is set for September 12th in Philadelphia as the main event for the Celebrity Boxing Federation's card. This may just be a rumor. My sources are shady. CBF's website has not officially announced the fight. But they do apparently have both Canseco and King under contract, and how can you pass up a Super fight like that?
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Re: Jose Canseco vs Rodney King - sTr - 08-14-2009

can't wait to stream this and get wasted....

Re: Jose Canseco vs Rodney King - Insanecowposse - 08-14-2009

I am betting on KIng he can take a serious beating 1. You always bet on the black guy in a boxing match vs a black and a white #2 and lastly Canseco already got his ass beat twice in these kinda fights.#3
ANd finally because Cocaine is a helluva a drug.

Re: Jose Canseco vs Rodney King - sTr - 08-14-2009

jose conseco isn't white, but furthermore ! would still bet on a nigger over a spic...

Re: Jose Canseco vs Rodney King - Insanecowposse - 08-14-2009

He was mexican till he took steroids then he was too big to be a mexican so now hes white silly

Re: Jose Canseco vs Rodney King - sTr - 08-14-2009

he stretched the pigment out of his skin....