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Stripper Rape's a man!!!! LOL - Printable Version

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Stripper Rape's a man!!!! LOL - Grant - 08-13-2009

A woman in Australia is currently on trial for raping the best man at a bachelor party.

If you're imagining the world's most Xtreme lap dance, that's not quite what went down. Stripper Linda Naggs has been accused of, uh, "breaching" a guy with a sex toy.

The unfortunate best man had ordered an "audience participation" package, which resulted in his ending up buck naked on his hands and knees, at which point Naggs inserted a marital aid right into his holiest of holies. She insists it was a misunderstanding.

The groomsman went to the hospital and he reported the incident to the police the next day. He says had specifically asked Naggs not to stick anything in his butt. If she's anything like our ex-boyfriend, she was probably just confused, drunk, or feeling entitled on her birthday.

Re: Stripper Rape's a man!!!! LOL - Paullehh - 08-13-2009

What's the problem?

Re: Stripper Rape's a man!!!! LOL - Grimlin - 08-13-2009

Paullehh Wrote:What's the problem?

word....a stripper sticking and performing sexual acts isn't rape.I'm guessing the to be wife got pissy when she found out.In his defense it was "rape".

Re: Stripper Rape's a man!!!! LOL - Alyzzia - 08-13-2009

He probably just got scared his friends would call him a fag or something and cried rape because he liked it.

Re: Stripper Rape's a man!!!! LOL - Insanecowposse - 08-13-2009

I would not like it and i would consider it rape. It says he specifically asked her not to. Also I have never known strippers to pleasure men with dildos not to mention without their permission. I'm taking the homophobic side of this and saying my ass is an exit only. ALso I think any man who doesn't mind things being shoved in his ass is just a little bit gay. ALso ALso that time i tried to stimulate my prostate was not gay don't judge me!

Re: Stripper Rape's a man!!!! LOL - Enigma - 08-13-2009

now i wanna have teh butt secks.

Re: Stripper Rape's a man!!!! LOL - sTr - 08-13-2009

oo la la...

Re: Stripper Rape's a man!!!! LOL - Grant - 08-13-2009

bjajajajajaja lol

Re: Stripper Rape's a man!!!! LOL - Enigma - 08-13-2009

sTr Wrote:oo la la...
i'll get my toy ready, you bend over and lube up Stephan!

Re: Stripper Rape's a man!!!! LOL - Grant - 08-13-2009

o wee getting steamy in here

Re: Stripper Rape's a man!!!! LOL - sTr - 08-13-2009

What the eff!! That was never part of the deal... now you ben over...

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Re: Stripper Rape's a man!!!! LOL - Enigma - 08-13-2009


Re: Stripper Rape's a man!!!! LOL - sTr - 08-13-2009

no lube

Re: Stripper Rape's a man!!!! LOL - Enigma - 08-13-2009

but won't that rip your hole a little bit? my toy's a little big. ;)

Re: Stripper Rape's a man!!!! LOL - sTr - 08-13-2009

it was talking to you...

Re: Stripper Rape's a man!!!! LOL - Enigma - 08-13-2009

you know you like it up the butt! besides, this is audience participation, and that's part of the act!!!!

Re: Stripper Rape's a man!!!! LOL - sTr - 08-13-2009

!'ll dress drag and play the chick part, and you play the dude part where they get the bangzorz

Re: Stripper Rape's a man!!!! LOL - Enigma - 08-13-2009

it's not as much fun that way! i was issued handcuffs today. i could use those to cuff you to the bed. that'd make it even more interesting. :)

Re: Stripper Rape's a man!!!! LOL - sTr - 08-13-2009

* wimpers *

Re: Stripper Rape's a man!!!! LOL - Enigma - 08-13-2009

bajaj!!!! would you feel better if i offered to toss your salad first to provide the lube?

....something about this convo makes me think i'm a bit sadistic.....hmmm...

Re: Stripper Rape's a man!!!! LOL - Star - 08-13-2009

Some human rights person is going to make a big deal out of how unfair it is that when a man calls rape, we all laugh, but when a woman cries rape, it's serious business.

Not me, though. I'd rather laugh hysterically that he went to the HOSPITAL because he got anally violated.

Re: Stripper Rape's a man!!!! LOL - sTr - 08-14-2009

if ! was a lawyer ! would jump all over that case...

Re: Stripper Rape's a man!!!! LOL - dirtymonkey22 - 08-14-2009

yeah i bet thats not all youll jump on

Re: Stripper Rape's a man!!!! LOL - sTr - 08-14-2009

!'ll say it's cause !'m white too....

Re: Stripper Rape's a man!!!! LOL - Insanecowposse - 08-14-2009

and ghey