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Sick fuck trades Nude pics of his sister (11)for a car - Insanecowposse - 08-12-2009

MADRID, Spain (CNN) -- Spanish police have arrested an 18-year-old for allegedly trying to sell nude photographs of his 11-year-old sister in exchange for a car, police told CNN on Wednesday.

The teenager did not get the car, but he did post several nude photographs of his sister online as a sample of what he could offer to the potential buyer, a 25-year-old man who has also been arrested, a police inspector said.

"Both suspects testified that they had discussed exchanging the nude photographs of the girl for a car," said the inspector, who declined to be identified by name.

The teenager, arrested Friday in the northern city of Pamplona, his hometown, is no longer living with his younger sister, the inspector said.

The case began last year in the nearby city of Santander when a woman told police that her young daughter -- not the 11-year-old -- had been tricked into posting nude photographs of herself online, said a Spanish national police statement issued in Pamplona on Wednesday.

Police soon arrested the 25-year-old man in Santander for suspected child pornography. He allegedly entered online social networking sites posing as a young girl, aiming to persuade girls to post nude photographs of themselves, the police statement said.

The 25-year-old, unemployed and from a middle-class family, was arrested November 18, 2008. Since then, police have investigated numerous other photographs found on his computer files, said the inspector, who heads the organized crime unit in Santander.

An Internet and computer trace of some of the nude photographs led to the computer in Pamplona used by the 18-year-old, who had met the 25-year-old in an online chat session, the police statement said.

The 18-year-old, identified only by his initials J.R.A., faces charges of prostitution and corruption of minors. He has been released from custody on condition that he appear before judicial authorities when cited, the statement said.

The police inspector, a woman, said the case serves as a warning to young girls to be careful in online sessions and not to take the identities of other participants at face value.

Police are investigating the nude photographs of 50 other young girls found on the computer of the 25-year-old suspect, the inspector said.

Police think the 25-year-old used them for his own purposes, and there is no evidence to date that he was trying to market the child pornography online, the inspector said.

Police did not identify the 25-year-old suspect by name.

Re: Sick fuck trades Nude pics of his sister (11)for a car - sTr - 08-12-2009

oo la la

Re: Sick fuck trades Nude pics of his sister (11)for a car - Ms Felony - 08-12-2009

he's gonna get nailed, up the ass by a big spanish prison guard

Re: Sick fuck trades Nude pics of his sister (11)for a car - Insanecowposse - 08-12-2009

I don't understand either guy. The 18 year old should be protecting his sister not exploiting her and the 25 year old should not be looking at naked children. Honestly what the hell is the attraction?

Re: Sick fuck trades Nude pics of his sister (11)for a car - Star - 08-13-2009

That's what I think is crazy - when it's people in their late teens or early 20's that are looking at child porn. I mean, I still don't understand or condone it for older people, but most teens want to be with older people. I don't know, either way it's incredibly wrong, but I've just always thought it was crazy when 20 and 21 year olds get busted trying to have sex with 12 year olds.

Re: Sick fuck trades Nude pics of his sister (11)for a car - Grimlin - 08-13-2009

SICK is the only way to describe this.

Re: Sick fuck trades Nude pics of his sister (11)for a car - Grant - 08-13-2009

thats gross. Some of those spanish dudes should rape those dudes in jail lol

Re: Sick fuck trades Nude pics of his sister (11)for a car - sTr - 08-14-2009

since we're talking about this, what would you guys trade me for a few nudes(of me)?

Re: Sick fuck trades Nude pics of his sister (11)for a car - Insanecowposse - 08-14-2009

I would trade you for this fine meal!
[Image: thumbnailbku.jpg]

Re: Sick fuck trades Nude pics of his sister (11)for a car - sTr - 08-14-2009

mmmm a bag of goatse....

Re: Sick fuck trades Nude pics of his sister (11)for a car - Insanecowposse - 08-14-2009

Hey wheres your nudes? and don't think you can fool me with that thread killing nude of Fred. Ps I miss fred where has he been on the forums? I know I bust his balls and he busts mine but he is an orginal part of B6 you know like a founding father. I need my daily dose of I love only men bajajajaja and Fucking not funny cow with your not funny links that don't work on my not new computer rants.

Re: Sick fuck trades Nude pics of his sister (11)for a car - sTr - 08-14-2009

he was out of town last weekend, he seemed a bit stressed after his trip... as time goes by we'll see more of our lanky red head ginger...

Re: Sick fuck trades Nude pics of his sister (11)for a car - Alyzzia - 08-15-2009

Was it a brand new awesome car?

Re: Sick fuck trades Nude pics of his sister (11)for a car - Insanecowposse - 08-15-2009

larry just got a car its pretty nice.

Re: Sick fuck trades Nude pics of his sister (11)for a car - sTr - 08-15-2009

Nice, what kind did he get?

[ Post made via Mobile Device ] [Image: mobile.png]

Re: Sick fuck trades Nude pics of his sister (11)for a car - Insanecowposse - 08-15-2009

i think a ford tore ass

Re: Sick fuck trades Nude pics of his sister (11)for a car - Paullehh - 08-15-2009

Insanecowposse Wrote:larry just got a car its pretty nice.
And how did he pay for theis car? [Image: 15flowj.gif]

Re: Sick fuck trades Nude pics of his sister (11)for a car - Insanecowposse - 08-15-2009

600 bucks i heard

Re: Sick fuck trades Nude pics of his sister (11)for a car - Paullehh - 08-15-2009


Re: Sick fuck trades Nude pics of his sister (11)for a car - sTr - 08-15-2009

Word, we're rollin in a taurus out here too, ! Love those cars, nice and comfortible... mad tints on the windows, which is nice out here in the az sun....

[ Post made via Mobile Device ] [Image: mobile.png]

Re: Sick fuck trades Nude pics of his sister (11)for a car - Slacker - 08-16-2009

fair trade

Re: Sick fuck trades Nude pics of his sister (11)for a car - sTr - 08-17-2009

tthe one main difference that bothers my g/f is that the other car has a cd player and this one only has cassette... doesn't bother me everything ! have from "The Cars" is on tape, so we all good...

Re: Sick fuck trades Nude pics of his sister (11)for a car - Insanecowposse - 08-17-2009

Get an mp3 with a Lighter hook up and listen to a long ass playlist.

Re: Sick fuck trades Nude pics of his sister (11)for a car - sTr - 08-17-2009

fuck that, ! like the cars...

Re: Sick fuck trades Nude pics of his sister (11)for a car - Insanecowposse - 08-17-2009

You can put the cars music on there too.

Re: Sick fuck trades Nude pics of his sister (11)for a car - sTr - 08-17-2009

fuck that, it's not as cool...

Re: Sick fuck trades Nude pics of his sister (11)for a car - Ms Felony - 08-17-2009

the ford taurus over there is like the ford mondeo over here.

Re: Sick fuck trades Nude pics of his sister (11)for a car - sTr - 08-17-2009

[Image: 95taurus164k1295.jpg]

Re: Sick fuck trades Nude pics of his sister (11)for a car - Ms Felony - 08-17-2009

exactly, say no more....

Re: Sick fuck trades Nude pics of his sister (11)for a car - sTr - 08-18-2009

no more....

Re: Sick fuck trades Nude pics of his sister (11)for a car - Insanecowposse - 08-18-2009

i had to scroll up to get that. I said to myself why did STR just say no more? I get it he said say no more and then STR said No More I get it funny stuff whew good stuff.....

Re: Sick fuck trades Nude pics of his sister (11)for a car - sTr - 08-19-2009

keep you on your toes... it's what ! do...