Board 6
Only way to walk the dog. - Printable Version

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Only way to walk the dog. - Paullehh - 08-11-2009

I do this whenever it is dry to walk the dog, it's a win for us both and i advise all dog owners to imitate.
It is me in the vid and the dog is called Utah.

Re: Only way to walk the dog. - sTr - 08-11-2009

! used to see peeps do that a lot when ! lived in MI, every now and then around here....

Re: Only way to walk the dog. - Paullehh - 08-11-2009

The difference is that Utah is like a F1 dog and your neighbours are out with mini coopers.

Re: Only way to walk the dog. - sTr - 08-12-2009

!'m just surprised you didn't fall off having to hold the leash and the cam....