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Multitasking game - Printable Version

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Multitasking game - CranialEntropy - 08-10-2009

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argh, after a few times I couldn't get above 105. It made me feel like my brain would explode.

Re: Multitasking game - sTr - 08-10-2009

!'ve been hooked on this one the last few days, crush the castle...

Re: Multitasking game - CranialEntropy - 08-10-2009

you should at least use a fake link...

Re: Multitasking game - sTr - 08-10-2009

bajaj, ! copied the wrong link...

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!'ve also had a few to drink, that is funny as hell....

Re: Multitasking game - CranialEntropy - 08-11-2009

Got to the last castle and couldn't kill that fucking queen

Re: Multitasking game - Ms Felony - 08-11-2009

got to 17 or 18th castle, thats a tough one

Re: Multitasking game - Grimlin - 08-11-2009

Beat it niggas....The trick to the last one is hit it multiple times.You get 5 tries use all 4 in one time.What that means is while one set of 3 bombs are in the air release the next set,again,again,again.It will rock all the way down to the last queen.Took me 16 tries before i figured it out.

Re: Multitasking game - sTr - 08-11-2009

that multitasking one is fuckin crazy...

Re: Multitasking game - Ms Felony - 08-11-2009

Grimlin Wrote:Beat it niggas....The trick to the last one is hit it multiple times.You get 5 tries use all 4 in one time.What that means is while one set of 3 bombs are in the air release the next set,again,again,again.It will rock all the way down to the last queen.Took me 16 tries before i figured it out.

good call, will try that later

Re: Multitasking game - Enigma - 08-11-2009

i did the multi tasking game and my score was a 44. lol. i couldn't read the rules for one of the games so i had no idea what i was supposed to do for it. i'm not a good multi tasker. lol.

Re: Multitasking game - sTr - 08-11-2009

word, my highest was 50, same shit happened to me, then ! gave up... because !'m a quitter...

Re: Multitasking game - Grant - 08-11-2009

damn its fucking hard. got to like 10

Re: Multitasking game - Enigma - 08-11-2009

lol. i keep going back cuz i'm determined. my highest so far is 54.

Re: Multitasking game - NEKESTRO - 08-11-2009

i fucks with this one:
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just about everytime i go to the studio

Re: Multitasking game - Grant - 08-11-2009

awww fuck it too hard

Re: Multitasking game - CranialEntropy - 08-12-2009

I was determined to at least get all four squares going at once in the multitasking one. I got stuck on only three squares like four times in a row.

Re: Multitasking game - sTr - 08-13-2009

! want some new games to play now, never played flash games much, but when ! do, oh boy when ! do....