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Funny Fat People - Printable Version

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Funny Fat People - sTr - 08-10-2009

[Image: untitled.jpg]
blue berry from willy wonka

[Image: drunk-6.jpg]
kool aid man

[Image: cosplay1.jpg]
not an inflatable halloween costume

[Image: 2yvnpdt.jpg]
turned a t-shirt into a sports bra

[Image: drphilfat03-610x406.jpg]
bigger then the over size video window

[Image: glaucoma.jpg]
this guy

[Image: fats.jpg]

[Image: fatbaby4.jpg]
need a diet before you can even say the word

[Image: 180-610x597.jpg]
she's just wrong

[Image: 11212482941973jvzu7-610x457.jpg]
the XXL on the shirt is actually smaller then the real shirt size

Re: Funny Fat People - Paullehh - 08-10-2009

Ewww that reminds me, i was down the beach yesterday and this horrid FAT minger was walking down that shit wearing a bikni...EWWWWWWWWWWWW

Re: Funny Fat People - Grimlin - 08-10-2009

sTr Wrote:[Image: untitled.jpg]

Reminds me of a hoppity hop ball....

Re: Funny Fat People - Enigma - 08-10-2009

bajaj @ princess Leia. i guarantee you that she'd really look like that in this day and age. *gag*

Re: Funny Fat People - Ms Felony - 08-10-2009

[Image: glaucoma.jpg]

WTF is that?

Re: Funny Fat People - sTr - 08-10-2009

WTF is what? The fat people, they're fat people...

[ Post made via Mobile Device ] [Image: mobile.png]

Re: Funny Fat People - Slacker - 08-10-2009

he's meant to be that gay eye from LOTR

Re: Funny Fat People - Paullehh - 08-10-2009

I thought it was a Owl face :(

Re: Funny Fat People - CranialEntropy - 08-10-2009

Slacker Wrote:he's meant to be that gay eye from LOTR
Worst cosplay ever.

Re: Funny Fat People - Slacker - 08-11-2009


Re: Funny Fat People - Alyzzia - 08-11-2009

Imma fat person, and I know my limits and boundaries. If you are overweight there are rules that you must closely follow not to disturb your fellow man.

No belly shirts, every shirt should cover your stomach and or muffin top

no short shorts, preferably shorts that go down to your knees

No bikinis -- ever -- never ever

Re: Funny Fat People - Grant - 08-11-2009

ekkk gross

Re: Funny Fat People - dirtymonkey22 - 08-12-2009

i swear some people dont know how to dress its fucking gross

Re: Funny Fat People - sTr - 08-12-2009

-tries to dress as gross as possible...

Re: Funny Fat People - Paullehh - 08-12-2009

[Image: bikini2.jpg]
[Image: fat-girls-in-bikinis.jpg]
Old people shouldn't wear em either i guess.

[Image: old+lady+in+bikini.jpg]

Re: Funny Fat People - Insanecowposse - 08-12-2009

Never eat before browsing B6

Re: Funny Fat People - CranialEntropy - 08-12-2009

Mang, I put dicktits on a mug so I get to stare at it while I drink my coffee and eat my cheerio's.

Re: Funny Fat People - sTr - 08-13-2009

dude, ! want a dicktits mug, that would make my day, and everyone else's that ! forced to drink out of it...

Re: Funny Fat People - Slacker - 08-16-2009


Re: Funny Fat People - Star - 08-16-2009


fred jokes sometimes about making me that princess leia slave outfit, but i know that even though he might think it's hot because he loves me, nobody else would.

girls that are overweight aren't ugly because they're fat. like, there was this one wolfpac stripper that was about the same size as me, maybe a little smaller, but she was wiggling around in a way too tight bikini. you shouldn't try to wear shit that doesn't fit. it's much more attractive to be in clothing that fits, and accentuates the right stuff.

Re: Funny Fat People - dirtymonkey22 - 08-16-2009

omg i just got back from the mall and wich i had a cam on me cuz i seen this MAN WEARING A DRESS the guy had to be like 300 hund pound no lie and he even had a purse man it was nasty u could see his fat legs and all

my wife got pissed at me for pointiing and lol ing

Re: Funny Fat People - sTr - 08-16-2009

word, that's why ! love the fact that my phone has a decent camera on it, ! love getting pics of weird people.. like this guy, he was at the store standing in this one spot the whole time.....

[Image: 2009-07-08%2016.44.47.jpg]

Re: Funny Fat People - dirtymonkey22 - 08-16-2009

holy shit is the only black guy in arizona

Re: Funny Fat People - CrAzYT - 08-16-2009

Yucky ...