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Snakes or spiders? - Printable Version

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Snakes or spiders? - Nuke-A-Loop - 08-05-2009

So this morning I took a placement test to get into my local college. I come home to get changed for work and sitting on my front door step is a 4 foot rat snake (black). I jumped inside and ran for my new Mid Evil viking era axe/hatchet(it's badass for 2 bucks) I told my roommates wife she flipped, she hate's snakes...exspecially the one I have caged in my room.....So I ran out there trying to chop this basterd. He was faster than xavier on the night he lost his virginity. I could'ent ceatch him for shit chased him through the backyard fence into this small area of woods behind us. So I make fun of her for being so scared gather my shit head to work....

Then I came home.....My roommate's wife's birthday is this weekend, So i was doing them a favor cleaning out this shed/garage we have out front. We're planning on having a couple local bands come play for it and them to use the garage. So im moving shit all over the place going new style nuke beast mode hustle hustle hustle...then im moving some bag's with fiberglassing material in it, and out crawls a damn thumb length brown recluse, usually when I find one thier dead so I was'nt so worried then the furry little basterd starts crawling out of the bag, I drop the fucking bag, look at the veriety of spider destroying object's go for a nice size wooden foot off an old large couch. Swing it down BOOO YA The mother fucker dissapears, I shake the bag up out he crawls and BOOO YA number two smoked him, ending my crying like a little bitch. Try to get back to work, that last about two minutes, by then i had already swatted at my self several times. Now im sitting inside still getting freaked out when a string from my shirt brushes my stomach. I hate a fucking spider. The only good thing a spider is for is creating a antivenom to heal other spider bites.....Fuck those basterd's and their families. Next time I see the itsy bitsy spider im going to shit in the water spout, while spraying mad cimicals into the opposit end.

Re: Snakes or spiders? - Slacker - 08-05-2009

my guess is someone from a local zulu tribe is trying to make sure you meet with an untimely end


Nuke-A-Loop Wrote:I jumped inside and ran for my new Mid Evil viking era axe/hatchet

WOOP WOOP!!!!!11111

Re: Snakes or spiders? - Paullehh - 08-05-2009

I like a extent, i like to leave the big fuckers free in my house, it's cool to watch em scurry across the room at night.

Snakes i'm not so cool with unless they are non venomous, still would not kill even if it was a bad ass snake like that.

Re: Snakes or spiders? - sTr - 08-05-2009

don't really mind spiders and snakes as much, but keep wasps away from me, ! hate those fuckers...

Re: Snakes or spiders? - Paullehh - 08-05-2009

sTr Wrote:don't really mind spiders and snakes as much, but keep wasps away from me, ! hate those fuckers...
Agree 100% wasps are fucking nasty!

Re: Snakes or spiders? - Slacker - 08-05-2009

hornets are FML

Re: Snakes or spiders? - Grimlin - 08-05-2009

Black rat snakes are fucking awesome.They are non venomous,but extremely fast.Don't try to kill that fucker next time.I rather have a nonvenomous snake like that around the house than those fucking rats and mice who spread a very dangerous disease.I've caught a few nonvenomous snakes in Texas and i always let them go.

Spiders however,I fucking hate,hate,hate.......I have over 1000's of them around my trailer in the summer time.I got the black widow,daddy long legs and a bunch of brown/black ones.I haven't seen a recluse yet...which I'm glad because i seen the damage firsthand of what they do when they bite.It ain't pretty.Any kind of spiders i see i kill...specially in the house.It gets bad in the wintertime here when they start coming in before the cold hits. I throw moth balls under the trailer to keep control of the numbers.For some reason moth balls will kill and keep the spiders away.Or at least keep the numbers down.

Re: Snakes or spiders? - Clizownmothafackoz17 - 08-05-2009

I don't get along with spiders. Under the rules of the magna carta, the US Constituion and the Holy Qur'an, I leave em alone if they're outside, but if they enter the interior of my property they will instantly meet with a terrible death, as it is my right and responsibility to deliver.
I have these night terror things where I dream that spiders are descending onto me from the ceiling. I jump out of bed and then sort of sleep walk around the house for awhile, maybe looking for something to kill the spiders with. Freaks my girlfriend out sometimes.
I'm not that terrified of spiders really, I just don't like them repelling down onto me in my sleep. Something about their physical appearance is so freakish, so other-worldly. They look more like machines than animals. More like aliens than earthly creatures. More made of metal than of flesh.
Snakes don't bother me.

Re: Snakes or spiders? - XxSweetBitchAssxX - 08-06-2009

I don't really have beef with snakes, I actually think they kind of rule, and spiders I am more okay with than most things because they actually KILL bugs, which scare me to death.
I am so afraid of bugs that I am afraid to kill them most of the time. I used to put those little bathroom cups (Dixie Cups) over them and tell my dad when he came home to kill them, haha.

Re: Snakes or spiders? - sTr - 08-06-2009

bajaj, dixie cup of doom, son....

Re: Snakes or spiders? - Insanecowposse - 08-06-2009

I caught 2 snakes and my older sister also caught one all 3 rosy boas kept them as pets growing up. I hate flying insects worse than snakes and spiders cus they can get to you faster and get away from you faster.

Re: Snakes or spiders? - Slacker - 08-06-2009

we dont have snakes in ireland

st patrick told them all to GTFO

Re: Snakes or spiders? - sTr - 08-06-2009

hell yeah, and that's why we get fucking sloshed every march, fuck snakes...