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Hey Fuckers - Printable Version

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Hey Fuckers - XxSweetBitchAssxX - 08-04-2009

Hey, it's been like a million years since I even thought about B6. What's going on guys??? Who is still here? Too lazy to peruse the board. Also, I'm the idiot who registered twice because the first time I was too lazy to check my spelling of my user name and spelled it wrong, haha.

Re: Hey Fuckers - sTr - 08-04-2009

you know you can change your user name at any time from the user control panel, but fuck it... what's crackin, glad you came...

Re: Hey Fuckers - XxSweetBitchAssxX - 08-04-2009

Hahaha, shows my laziness at its peak that I didn't even check it out long enough to figure it out ;)
What's going on, man, still wearing all kinds of crazy colored clothes?

Re: Hey Fuckers - sTr - 08-04-2009

you know it... moved out to az, lovin the heat... air conditioning went out last night, so not enjoying it as muich as usual, but it's getting fixed today... how's life on your end, where ya been, whatcha doin?

Re: Hey Fuckers - XxSweetBitchAssxX - 08-04-2009

Oh no AC, that has to be excruciating, especially in AZ. I moved from Philly to Tennessee, outside Nashville because my fiance is stationed at Fort Campbell, KY (he's in the army)
Hope your AC gets fixed ASAP, dude.

Re: Hey Fuckers - sTr - 08-04-2009

the landlord is coming today to fix it, ! was torn between nashville and az, but the job market looked more delectable when ! was moving, so far so good... granted !'m getting laid off, but !'m still better off here then in michigan...

Re: Hey Fuckers - Slacker - 08-04-2009

i <3 you

Re: Hey Fuckers - CrAzYT - 08-04-2009

-is here

Re: Hey Fuckers - Keezie - 08-04-2009

ah, Mare is so sexxxay

i highly doubt she even knows who i am though, lol

Re: Hey Fuckers - psychopathic penguin - 08-04-2009

mare is teh sex

Re: Hey Fuckers - XxSweetBitchAssxX - 08-04-2009

OMFG @ "CrazyT" being here, lmao. How are you???
Adi, I love you too.
Keezie, you are super sexy too, of course I know who are.
Penquin, thank you as well.

So what's up with everyone? Things have to had changed, where is everyone at in life by now?

Re: Hey Fuckers - Clizownmothafackoz17 - 08-04-2009

That's that bieotch who tried to ban me!!! You know, you're all gettin love from Mare and that's good for you, but I bet you that I'm the only one who got to call her drunk at 9 in the morning today. haha.

Re: Hey Fuckers - XxSweetBitchAssxX - 08-05-2009

Hahahaha being banned is hilarious, I'm going to try and do it. And yes, this is true Allejandro.
Nuke called me once at like 2am, on my house phone drunk though which was hysterical.
Who's the admin. Is it you, Stephan?

Re: Hey Fuckers - sTr - 08-05-2009

fact, is admin...

Re: Hey Fuckers - Nuke-A-Loop - 08-05-2009

lies.....that never happened.

Re: Hey Fuckers - XxSweetBitchAssxX - 08-05-2009

Oh my god, Nuke, I love you. How have you been, man??? It did happen. Maybe you weren't drunk though. Don't you remember?

Re: Hey Fuckers - sTr - 08-05-2009

he probably lost part of his memory when he lost all that weight..

Re: Hey Fuckers - Grimlin - 08-05-2009

I have no clue who this is......

Re: Hey Fuckers - Nuke-A-Loop - 08-05-2009

Actually, I kind of remember it. But so kind of that I'll just say it dident happen. Im doing aiiieght. recovering from some surgery, Started back to work yesterday, Have a placement test for college tomorrow morning. taking charge and concentrating on bettering myself rather than everyone around me. How are you doing? How are the ladies in tennessee? Goatse

Re: Hey Fuckers - XxSweetBitchAssxX - 08-05-2009

Hahaha Grimlin, I remember you. You and Midgetfxcker (sp) are together right (or you were)? Been on the board forever?
I would be Mare, been around forever myself, haha

Sounds good, Nuke. What are you gonna do in college, have you decided yet? Things in Tennessee are good, just different than I'm used to. The ladies here are fabulous I suppose, certainly worthy of the goatse icon, haha

Re: Hey Fuckers - Nuke-A-Loop - 08-05-2009

of course I havent decided yet. Who does that these days? Im just going to get some bs classes out of the way. So are you near any cities there or is it mostly country? Im getting sick of this country life more and more everyday. I feel like everyone here live's their lives in slow motion..

Re: Hey Fuckers - XxSweetBitchAssxX - 08-05-2009

I live like 40 minutes or so away from Nashville. And the place we live is right next to a military base, and it's pretty big , so it's not too bad. I'd go nuts living to far in the country, haha.
Undecided is the way to go, every major has the dumb nonsense classes, so you're doing the best thing, haha.
What kind of work are you doing? Haha sorry, I'm asking a million questions.

Re: Hey Fuckers - Keezie - 08-05-2009

word @ Mare remembering me too

Re: Hey Fuckers - Nuke-A-Loop - 08-05-2009

for the last 2 years Iv been working in a plant, building huge industrial freezer doors. Pretty ghey. Besides the fact I work with like 40 other dudes, and theres barley a drop of drama. Well there use to be no drama till newer people came along. Almost everyone i work with is some kind of criminal and exfellon. No matter what theres always like 9 dudes selling different kinds of buds for the cheap. I got full ben's. and paid time off, holiday pay yadayada Its just a very stable job, the more the economy gets worse and other door factories close the more work we recieve. We're flooded with work its great. I make pretty good money also there.
And right now im living with a freind from highscool and his wife and daughter. I have a huge 2 car garage that was converted into a giant bedroom that I have made into the pimpist man cave. Iv booted all the clinging ladies out of my life. And I lost 130 lbs, and got surgery abdominal reconstruction plastic's to get rid of my nasty excess skin........ask a question get an answer, i like the way things work around here (observe and report)aka Seth Rogan's dumbist fucking movie.

Re: Hey Fuckers - Nuke-A-Loop - 08-05-2009

now some up some recent shit that youve been getting down with.

Re: Hey Fuckers - Slacker - 08-05-2009

inspiring shit @ losing 130

i could do with shedding a few lbs, but im worried that the pudge is the key to my general flyness

Re: Hey Fuckers - FxXxckOff - 08-05-2009


Re: Hey Fuckers - XxSweetBitchAssxX - 08-05-2009

<3 @ Slacker and FxXxckOff, lots of love.

Nuke, that sounds awesome, stable job and school is an awesome plan. You definitely can't go wrong with that, especially now like you said with the economy going down the shitter. Holy shit @ losing all that weight. I was looking at your picture, shocked. That is so fucking awesome man.
As for me, I finally graduated college, and left Philly to come down here after my fiance got back from Iraq. I am still trying to find a job down here, I think I'm going back to school in January to get my teaching certification and use my damn first degree. At home though, I was a bail bonds agent for a couple years and it was awesome as fuck, but I can't even find that to do down here. Uh, getting married in September. I think that's about it, haha.

Re: Hey Fuckers - sTr - 08-05-2009

nice @ him coming back from iraq... is he done, or does he have to do more tours? ! have a bunch of freinds over there working as prison guards, and lost my cousin out there....

Re: Hey Fuckers - XxSweetBitchAssxX - 08-05-2009

Oh Stephan, I am so sorry to hear about your cousin, truly. And I am totally grateful to your friends for their sacrifice. That's for real.
He's going to be heading to Afghanistan for another tour this spring, more than likely for a year. His last Iraq tour was 14 months. This one coming up will be his 4th fucking tour, it sucks. So far, he's spent 3.5 years deployed, been in the Army 8 years. Totally ghey.

Re: Hey Fuckers - freEkjokA - 08-15-2009

Mare FTW

Re: Hey Fuckers - Toxic Love - 08-17-2009

Mare is my baby mama. She doesn't know it yet.

Re: Hey Fuckers - tdot - 08-17-2009

whats going on mare

Re: Hey Fuckers - XxSweetBitchAssxX - 08-27-2009

Kelly, I'd be your baby mama and your baby daddy, honey <3
Freeeeeeeeeeeek <3
What's up tdot?

Re: Hey Fuckers - evulninja - 08-28-2009
