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New form of HIV from gorillas - Printable Version

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New form of HIV from gorillas - Lyeranceras - 08-03-2009

The three previous HIV variants came from chimpanzees. The new findings indicate that gorillas, in addition to chimpanzees, are likely sources of HIV, the researchers concluded in a report published in the weekly Nature Medicine journal.

The new virus, called RBF 168, was detected in a 62-year-old woman who moved to Paris from the western Africa nation of Cameroon, the report says. She tested positive for HIV in 2004, and researchers led by Jean-Christophe Plantier identified the virus as being closely related to a recently discovered simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV).

The new gorilla virus "has many of the biological properties necessary for human infection," the report says.

"The human case described here does not seem to be an isolated incident, as before coming to Paris the subject had lived in the semiurban area of Yaounde, the capital of Cameroon, and reported no contact with apes or bush meat," the researchers said.

Re: New form of HIV from gorillas - sTr - 08-03-2009

Technically hiv coming from chimps is a theory, but if this is true it would help that theory become a fact...

[ Post made via Mobile Device ] [Image: mobile.png]

Re: New form of HIV from gorillas - Grimlin - 08-03-2009

I thought all Monkeys have a small strain of HIV in them? It just doesn't effect them like it does with humans.

Re: New form of HIV from gorillas - XIII - 08-03-2009

sTr Wrote:Technically hiv coming from chimps is a theory, but if this is true it would help that theory become a fact...

[ Post made via Mobile Device ] [Image: mobile.png]
In science, a "fact" is lower than a "theory."

Just FYI.

Re: New form of HIV from gorillas - sTr - 08-03-2009

are you saying this from scientist point of view or as a ney sayer?

Re: New form of HIV from gorillas - XIII - 08-03-2009

sTr Wrote:are you saying this from scientist point of view or as a ney sayer?
No, it's true.

A scientific fact is just an observation.

Basically... scientific fact - objects of smaller mass are attracted to objects of greater mass.

Scientific theory - Theory of Gravitation.

Scientific fact - the same species of animal under different conditions will favor different attributes.

Scientific theory - Theory of Evolution.

Scientific fact - simians are found with strands of immunodeficiency virus.

Theory - Theory of Simian-originated IV (?)

Re: New form of HIV from gorillas - sTr - 08-03-2009

word, good shit... ! like your answers because you go into detail, that's why ! asked....

Re: New form of HIV from gorillas - XIII - 08-03-2009

Yeah, so right now... from what I hear, apes giving us AIDS is just a hypothesis.

The scientific method goes:

Make hypothesis > test hypothesis until proven right > after so many tests, you have facts > after you have enough facts to prove that no other conclusion could come from the same test... establish a theory.

Re: New form of HIV from gorillas - sTr - 08-03-2009

homosexuals must be apes too....

Quote:AIDS was first reported June 5, 1981, when the U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC) recorded a cluster of Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia (now still classified as PCP but known to be caused by Pneumocystis jirovecii) in five homosexual men in Los Angeles.

Source: Wikipedia

Re: New form of HIV from gorillas - Grimlin - 08-03-2009

So in theory....There's no way we could come from monkeys...with that fact?

Re: New form of HIV from gorillas - sTr - 08-03-2009

!'m sure there's some hetero-sexual apes out there.... or one was just jerkin' it and the cum shot right into the vag like target practice.... then, boom... man is born...

Re: New form of HIV from gorillas - Grimlin - 08-03-2009


Re: New form of HIV from gorillas - Insanecowposse - 08-03-2009

the next step is a law if i am correct like the law of gravity

Re: New form of HIV from gorillas - Slacker - 08-03-2009

Dave Chappelle Wrote:Nobody fucks monkeys and people you idiot

Re: New form of HIV from gorillas - sTr - 08-03-2009

! beg to differ...

[Image: Planet-of-the-Apes-charlton-heston.jpg]

Re: New form of HIV from gorillas - Slacker - 08-03-2009

get your hands off me you damn dirty ape

Re: New form of HIV from gorillas - sTr - 08-03-2009

doesn't look like he's trying to hard to get them off....

or is he?!?!?!

Re: New form of HIV from gorillas - Slacker - 08-03-2009


Re: New form of HIV from gorillas - sTr - 08-03-2009

[Image: 0.jpg]

Re: New form of HIV from gorillas - Slacker - 08-03-2009

[Image: gorilla_man.jpg]

Re: New form of HIV from gorillas - sTr - 08-04-2009

is that oprah on the back of that motorcycle?

Re: New form of HIV from gorillas - Slacker - 08-04-2009


Re: New form of HIV from gorillas - dirtymonkey22 - 08-04-2009

Re: New form of HIV from gorillas - sTr - 08-07-2009

it sucks that dave chapelle had to go crazy, nigga was awesome....

Re: New form of HIV from gorillas - dirtymonkey22 - 08-07-2009

def was my faviorit black guy and 1 of the funniest standup comics ever

Re: New form of HIV from gorillas - sTr - 08-07-2009

! guess it doesn't matter cause he's "RICH BEOTCH!!!"