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My Baltimore roommate journey - Printable Version

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My Baltimore roommate journey - CranialEntropy - 08-03-2009

As most of you probably already were aware, I'm moving to baltimore in a few weeks and I've been searching craigslist for roommate listings because I want to live with someone who already knows the city. So Tuesday and Wednesday I start mass sending this standard email consisting of a little bit about me and how I'd like to check out their apartment Thursday. Luckily with some quickfire emails and some calls I'm able to arrange 10 diff apartments to check out. I called a yet-to-be-employed friend whom luckily had a few days free and agreed to ride down to baltimore with me.

We left weds night and crashed at my brothers and his gf's place in harlem. Met up with some old friend in the area and literally had my ass saved because his gf brought up the fact she had a gps we should just take seeing as I was just planning to gmap everything like the unprepared buffoon I am. Major upgrade. So we head out around 7:30 and basically I've crammed all these diff apartment meet ups in between noon and 7:30. I'll break down the type of roommates into three tiers.

1)No fucking way:
- Mike: This 65 year old guy opens the door of his apartment in an extremely ghetto area and the first thing that strikes me is his horrid bo. Immediately I'm shocked seeing as I've yet to see anyone over thirty and you'd think he would of made some mention of this in his add. The apartment is a complete shit hole with stacks of papers literally on every surface you can see. He mentions how he uses a small sectioned off space he doesn't even show us as his office (which is obviously bullshit). He shows me this crack den of a room and goes in to a speech about how he had won in this fight against the administration because how he was renting out parts of his room was technically illegal because of his lease agreement, but they only went after him because they didn't like him. Awesome right? He goes on to say I'd be sharing the place with a deaf guy and the 'prince of ghana' which I'm pretty sure was just him being a racist prick to the black guy sitting in the living room he didn't acknowledge the entire time till now.

- Jamie: His apartment was across from the street from a convenience store that was completely barred up with several giant 'FOODSTAMPS ACCEPTED HERE' posters covering the outside. Now this guy wasn't just any effeminate black guy, I'm talking engulfed in fire flaming. He shows me a shitty little room and goes on to explain some weird as hell house rules. 1) No overnight guest (apparently he's the hit it and quit it type). 2) No alcohol consumed inside. 3) No greasy food inside, "take your fried chicken outside, mkay honey?"

-Ryan: Most boring motherfucker I've ever met. He had an incredible game room downstairs of pool table, foosball table, couches, etc, and he simply through boxes and books over all of them and said they never get used. Apparently he hates being social.

2) Could live with
-2 sporty and health nut girls
-one very spiteful guy that just separated from the girl he was engaged with
-A party girl (pretty hot) cougar who was obsessed with running

3) Wanted to live with
- 2 indian guys that seemed down to earth and had a great place and location
- 2 girls my same age, which we had nonstop fun joking with each other the entire tour. One actually gave us the tour while drinking a natty light. Only downside is that its right at the edge of the hood with tons of boarded up houses all around.
- 2 guys that I also seemed to instantly get along with. They head a keggerator and my room came with a fake fireplace. Could see myself there no problem.

Then at the end of the day we went and hung out with a girl I knew from high school which took the whole sorority route in college, but had just moved to baltimore. She lived on like the 27th floor of this amazing apartment complex directly on the inner harbor with an amazing view. Fuck her.

tl;dr There are some weird fuckers as well as cool advertising rooms on craigslist

Re: My Baltimore roommate journey - Star - 08-03-2009

sounds like an awesome time, and scary

Re: My Baltimore roommate journey - Grimlin - 08-03-2009

I have serious trust issues.....I couldn't do this finding a roommate like this.

Re: My Baltimore roommate journey - CranialEntropy - 08-03-2009

So far this is the outcome.
Indian guys third roommate didn't move out so they're out.
Vinny has said I'm the best he interviewed.
2 hippy girls also showed an extreme interest.

Re: My Baltimore roommate journey - sTr - 08-03-2009

go with teh two hippy girls... just train them to use the deo for the b.o., ya dig...

Re: My Baltimore roommate journey - Grimlin - 08-03-2009

2 hippy girls.....make it "Three's company"...

Re: My Baltimore roommate journey - CrAzYT - 08-03-2009

Hahahaha, I used to ride the JHU Med School bus right next to the place where it said "FOODSTAMPS ACCEPTED HERE" ... living there would be a terrible thing

What area(s) were the good people living?

Re: My Baltimore roommate journey - Paullehh - 08-03-2009

Sounds like a fair eventfull day you had.
Hope you find the right place.

Re: My Baltimore roommate journey - CranialEntropy - 08-03-2009

Two of the maybe's are in fed hill and one of the ones that I want to live with. Another maybe is in canton. The one I wanted to live with, but the roommate is moving out lived in the waterloo complex in mt vernon. And the last one I want to live with is living east of patterson park. Just at the line where it starts to get sketchy.

Re: My Baltimore roommate journey - CrAzYT - 08-03-2009

Canton is a sweet little area - I liked that area.

bajaj @ accepting food stamps ... I don't miss Baltimore

Re: My Baltimore roommate journey - CranialEntropy - 08-03-2009

Just got calls from the cougar in canton, she wants me too move in too.
Bah @ all the okays getting back to me and no acceptances from the top 3.

Re: My Baltimore roommate journey - Slacker - 08-03-2009

im coming to party

Re: My Baltimore roommate journey - CrAzYT - 08-03-2009

bajaj @ I would live with the cougar any day of the week ... it would be like living in a porno

Re: My Baltimore roommate journey - sTr - 08-03-2009

She'd prolly buy you a lotta shit....

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Re: My Baltimore roommate journey - Slacker - 08-04-2009

and tongue teh b4lls

Re: My Baltimore roommate journey - sTr - 08-04-2009

over in Scottsdale it's all cougars, well, cougars and gay guys... it's their spot...