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Only two more days of work! - Printable Version

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Only two more days of work! - Autumn - 08-01-2009

Yay! I'm so happy. I get to leave this shitfucked area for a while. :)

Re: Only two more days of work! - sTr - 08-01-2009

oh hell yeah, is that when you start your vacation for the gathering?

Re: Only two more days of work! - Star - 08-01-2009

i can't wait, i'm so excited! <3

Re: Only two more days of work! - Autumn - 08-02-2009

Hell yes it is! I've had the days scheduled off since March, and I'm so ready to get away from work. I need a vacation, and to see Star, Fred and Krystal. :)

Re: Only two more days of work! - Star - 08-02-2009

I wish everybody would go, that would be awesome. felony and paul could fly over from europe, and adi...and stephan could get off his lazy bum and come too, and steph and luke could stowaway in a semi to get there.

Re: Only two more days of work! - juggalogigolo - 08-02-2009

word, it was better back in the day when half the people from the board would come, and not just 3 or 4

Re: Only two more days of work! - Ms Felony - 08-02-2009

Star Wrote:I wish everybody would go, that would be awesome. felony and paul could fly over from europe, and adi...and stephan could get off his lazy bum and come too, and steph and luke could stowaway in a semi to get there.

1. I don't have a passport
2 I live in England, not Europe, And paul lives in Scotland which is part of England even though they play a different game up there.
But He's cool as a mofo ;)


anyway, I'm out for tonight to get some sleep, so catch y'all tomorrow

Re: Only two more days of work! - Paullehh - 08-02-2009

1-Scotland is not part of England... i ought slap you for that but i'm thinking you said it to raise the reaction of disgust that it did...
and that's funny!
2- I also can't afford that shit right now, my job has gone and me needs more work..

Re: Only two more days of work! - Autumn - 08-03-2009

We should plan for everyone to come next year. Have someone who's trustworthy on here, to take people's paypal payments and we can throw in a little bit at a time and help out those who can't afford a little extra for the tickets; like poor steph and luke :( Who's in?

Re: Only two more days of work! - canttouchthis80 - 08-03-2009

im trustworthy

Re: Only two more days of work! - Autumn - 08-03-2009


Re: Only two more days of work! - canttouchthis80 - 08-03-2009

what im not gonna steal the money

Re: Only two more days of work! - Ms Felony - 08-03-2009

I could do that, I have a semi stable business so money wouldn't get touched, but i don't want the responsibility.

Re: Only two more days of work! - canttouchthis80 - 08-03-2009

i bring back up the option of me for the money

Re: Only two more days of work! - Alyzzia - 08-03-2009

You guys need to take a lot of pictures!

Re: Only two more days of work! - Star - 08-03-2009

we will. maybe. last year, we didn't take many at all, except at the blaze and twiztid seminars.

Re: Only two more days of work! - Alyzzia - 08-03-2009

I need your pictorial review so I can feel like I was there too! :)

Re: Only two more days of work! - Star - 08-03-2009

lol, i'll try. fred's camera is too big to want to cart around all day, but hopefully we'll all be able to camp together so other people will take pictures

Re: Only two more days of work! - sTr - 08-03-2009

word, but fred's camera is the bimb....

Re: Only two more days of work! - Star - 08-03-2009

yeah, we need to buy some more batteries for it. i've gotten in the habit of using my cell to take pics. this morning i took some pictures of chubs q. squirrelypants, esquire...the squirrel that i feed in our yard =\

Re: Only two more days of work! - Slacker - 08-03-2009

theres a gathering in my pants next summer

its free

Re: Only two more days of work! - sTr - 08-03-2009

* signs up and cums *

Re: Only two more days of work! - Slacker - 08-03-2009


Re: Only two more days of work! - Alyzzia - 08-04-2009

My neighbors are leaving today for the gathering >:( must be nice to not have any bills to pay

Re: Only two more days of work! - Star - 08-04-2009

why are they leaving today, you can't even get in until like 10:30 tomorrow and it doesn't start 'til thursday.

Re: Only two more days of work! - Alyzzia - 08-04-2009

I'm not sure, but they did say they get tickets at a discount so I'll have to talk to them next year.

I didn't know they let you in that early, thats pretty cool, you can start partying early as hell hehe.

The one guy lives with his folks and that's why I said the no bills thing, I wasn't directing that at anyone here by the way lol.

Re: Only two more days of work! - Star - 08-04-2009

this is the first year they've done it. it kind of irritates me, because we weren't planning until leaving early thursday morning, but since people can get in tomorrow morning, we have to leave as early as possible so we don't get stuck with a really shitting camping spot.

Re: Only two more days of work! - Alyzzia - 08-04-2009

Ohh yeah it is a first come first serve thing huh? Those guys probably are going to get a hotel so they can be one of the first in line for a spot or something. It is 9 hours from here, so they would have to leave at like midnight or something to get there by 10:30.

Re: Only two more days of work! - Alyzzia - 08-04-2009

I hope the weather isn't correct I just looked it up and it says its going to rain for like the whole time :(

Re: Only two more days of work! - Star - 08-04-2009

well, it's open tent camping, so once you're in, you just go wherever. i'm hoping krystal and travis will camp with us...autumn and i are planning to camp where we camped last year, by the midway, it was a great spot.

Re: Only two more days of work! - sTr - 08-05-2009

if you guys run into any old b6ers, make sure you tell em we're here....