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Africa faces worst humanitarian crisis ever - Printable Version

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Africa faces worst humanitarian crisis ever - Paullehh - 07-31-2009

Those poor africans :(
[Image: 35cqzy8.jpg]

A major break in an undersea cable has left large parts of West Africa without an Internet connection.

As reported by the BBC, the break in the SAT-3 undersea cable - running from Portugal to South Africa via West Africa - has resulted in the loss of around 70 percent of the bandwidth available to West Africa, leaving many without any connection at all.

Ladi Okuneye, the chief marketing officer of West African Suburban Telecom, explained that the damaged cable was "the only fibre optic cable serving West Africa," meaning that "all West African countries have to use it."

The consortium behind the SAT-3 cable is due to dispatch a repair vessel to investigate the fault in the 15,0000km cable, but state that it could be two weeks before the ship is in place and repairs can begin.

Re: Africa faces worst humanitarian crisis ever - Insanecowposse - 07-31-2009

Wow learn something new everyday they have internet in west africa.

Re: Africa faces worst humanitarian crisis ever - sTr - 07-31-2009

! bet internet scams drop in record numbers...

Re: Africa faces worst humanitarian crisis ever - Autumn - 07-31-2009

Funny @ how they are so infected with AIDS and can't feed their fucking kids and they have internet.

Re: Africa faces worst humanitarian crisis ever - sTr - 07-31-2009

they only have internet to scam people with fake wills and other misc, bs....

Re: Africa faces worst humanitarian crisis ever - Autumn - 07-31-2009

I can't even stand seeing those commercials with the kids with flies everywhere. If it only costs PENNIES a day, take the money they spend to make some shitty ass movies and sterilize the fucking continent.

Re: Africa faces worst humanitarian crisis ever - sTr - 07-31-2009

blame the christians... not the good ones, because ! met people here and IRL that are good peeps that are christians, but you know what ! mean...

Re: Africa faces worst humanitarian crisis ever - Star - 08-01-2009

not all of africa is dirt poor and living in squalid little hovels. i don't support the feed-a-child thing, not because i don't care, but my own family is struggling to support itself. besides, i've heard stories about several people getting the same child to support. i'm not saying they're all scams, but if i ever had enough extra money where it was feasible to help, i would want to go over there and buy the things myself, maybe help clean up a city or install a well, one of those types of things.

Re: Africa faces worst humanitarian crisis ever - sTr - 08-01-2009

two words, fuck them..... if you wanna help the homeless and some poor black kids, take a trip to detroit....