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whose got a 360? - Printable Version

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whose got a 360? - Joe - 07-28-2009

and gears of war 2?

Re: whose got a 360? - FxXxckOff - 07-28-2009

got the 360 f GoW2


Re: whose got a 360? - sTr - 07-28-2009

<--- 360

x @ GOW, one day my good sir, one day...

Re: whose got a 360? - Joe - 07-28-2009

i just played a game and there was some gay ass little kid and i said something and he got all depressed and was like "seriously, please just don't start i've had a really really tough day. my mom's a bitch" in the gayest voice imaginable.

now i remember why i loved xbox live.

< MOB RunDis716

Re: whose got a 360? - Paullehh - 07-28-2009

- has those things.

Re: whose got a 360? - XIII - 07-28-2009

I don't like 10 year olds calling me a 'nigger' so I solds mine.

Re: whose got a 360? - CranialEntropy - 07-29-2009


But I haven't turned mine on more than once this summer.
I spent a lot of time on majora's mask for 64 and now I've moved on to fallout 3 on my pc.

Re: whose got a 360? - sTr - 07-29-2009

Word @ majoras mask, love that game... they need to make a tetris for live like they did for the og xbox so ! Can school all y'all....

[ Post made via Mobile Device ] [Image: mobile.png]

Re: whose got a 360? - CranialEntropy - 07-29-2009

I remember getting the highest tetris score I've ever gotten on my old cell phone. I was in my doctors office, pants off, and had been playing since the waiting room. At this point though, the pieces were falling so fast, pausing and breaking the zone would have resulted in an instant failure. I had to ask my doctor to come back in a few minutes without looking up from the screen. He must of thought I was such a freak, but it was all worth it.

Re: whose got a 360? - sTr - 07-29-2009

<--- has 3rd best tetris score in the world, !'ll post the picture of the score when ! Find it, !'m waiting to submit my score to twin galaxies until ! Get number 1

[ Post made via Mobile Device ] [Image: mobile.png]

Re: whose got a 360? - Slacker - 07-29-2009

have they fixed GOW2's multiplayer?

last time i played anything apart from horde i had about a 15 minute wait to get a game then the laggyest piece of gay ever

Re: whose got a 360? - Stoopid Dog - 07-29-2009

halo > gow online play

Re: whose got a 360? - Paullehh - 07-29-2009

lol halo is shit

Re: whose got a 360? - XIII - 07-29-2009

Ok, so I definitely have my differences with Pauliehh when it comes to science and technology and news.

But basically I agree with everything he says about pop culture.

Halo is fucking terrible online. And the campaign is easy as hell.

Re: whose got a 360? - Paullehh - 07-29-2009

Actualy I lied a bit Halo is not a bad game, it's pretty good as far as console shooters go.
I just can't get into FPS on console it's so dumbed down it's frustrating.

I am curious though XIII why somebody who loves games would gimp himself by buying a mac pro when he could a got a pretty fucking leet gameing PC?

Re: whose got a 360? - XIII - 07-29-2009

Paullehh Wrote:Actualy I lied a bit Halo is not a bad game, it's pretty good as far as console shooters go.
I just can't get into FPS on console it's so dumbed down it's frustrating.

I am curious though XIII why somebody who loves games would gimp himself by buying a mac pro when he could a got a pretty fucking leet gameing PC?
Mac was necessary for my school and my job. I edit video for a living, and also want to start editing feature length movies and a few animated features.

I'm a console guy, plain and simple.

Re: whose got a 360? - sTr - 07-29-2009

Fact: if you build a leet pc, you can put OSX on it with little work.

[ Post made via Mobile Device ] [Image: mobile.png]

Re: whose got a 360? - XIII - 07-29-2009

sTr Wrote:Fact: if you build a leet pc, you can put OSX on it with little work.

[ Post made via Mobile Device ] [Image: mobile.png]
Fact: if you've already spent $6Gs on a mac, you don't want a crippled PC with OSX on it.

Re: whose got a 360? - Paullehh - 07-29-2009

Why cant you just video edit on pc?
osx will perform just as well on a PC hackintosh.
Just seems to me you gave up so much sick games power for the sake of OSX :(

Let's not turn this into a mac vs pc debate again though.

Re: whose got a 360? - XIII - 07-29-2009

Paullehh Wrote:Why cant you just video edit on pc?
osx will perform just as well on a PC hackintosh.
Just seems to me you gave up so much sick games power for the sake of OSX :(

Let's not turn this into a mac vs pc debate again though.
Nah, I reserve the debates for the debate room. Here I'll just tell you flat out my personal preference. There's just too much that could go wrong with a PC. Plain and simple. I'm no hardware wiz, so if I get something that goes in there and starts messing up "drivers" or whatever the hell there is in there... I don't wanna be bothered.

Hacked PCs can't run FCP well at all. I've tried. Honestly, I'd pay way more than $6Gs to keep it up. Every week I'd have to upgrade my shiz.

It's just not worth it. I don't live a computer lifestyle where I can open up my tower and fiddle around in there.

In fact, my shit's set up so only the front of the tower is visible.

Re: whose got a 360? - Joe - 07-29-2009

halo 3 brah

Re: whose got a 360? - Paullehh - 07-29-2009

XIII Wrote:
Paullehh Wrote:Why cant you just video edit on pc?
osx will perform just as well on a PC hackintosh.
Just seems to me you gave up so much sick games power for the sake of OSX :(

Let's not turn this into a mac vs pc debate again though.
Nah, I reserve the debates for the debate room. Here I'll just tell you flat out my personal preference. There's just too much that could go wrong with a PC. Plain and simple. I'm no hardware wiz, so if I get something that goes in there and starts messing up "drivers" or whatever the hell there is in there... I don't wanna be bothered.

Hacked PCs can't run FCP well at all. I've tried. Honestly, I'd pay way more than $6Gs to keep it up. Every week I'd have to upgrade my shiz.

It's just not worth it. I don't live a computer lifestyle where I can open up my tower and fiddle around in there.

In fact, my shit's set up so only the front of the tower is visible.
Depends on the hardware, the hardware in the mac is no different to pc hardware, sometimes just different firmware and always lower quality cheaper components are used to keep the prices of manufacturing them to a minimum.

It's obviously too late now for you to spend the cash on a hackintosh duel boot windows 7 thing, just saying that woulda been a good option.
If you ever buy again in future i'd be happy to stear you in the right directions of what to buy and how to go about putting it all together.

Re: whose got a 360? - XIII - 07-29-2009

Personally, I think it's the computer company's job to build a working computer... not mine. Or yours. But thanks for the offer.

Re: whose got a 360? - Stoopid Dog - 07-29-2009


Re: whose got a 360? - Paullehh - 07-29-2009

XIII Wrote:Personally, I think it's the computer company's job to build a working computer... not mine. Or yours. But thanks for the offer.
Lol yeh if you want cheap shit at extra cost then that's the way to go.
If you had a better understanding of these things you would never buy a pre built system.

Re: whose got a 360? - XIII - 07-29-2009

Paullehh Wrote:
XIII Wrote:Personally, I think it's the computer company's job to build a working computer... not mine. Or yours. But thanks for the offer.
Lol yeh if you want cheap shit at extra cost then that's the way to go.
If you had a better understanding of these things you would never buy a pre built system.
You keep calling it cheap, but I have a 7 year old mac laptop working fine, with all programs up to date.

I got a Windows PC 4 years ago, it died 3 years ago.

Sooo.... I mean, it's not the quality of the components, it's how efficiently the components work together.

Re: whose got a 360? - Paullehh - 07-29-2009

they only work so efficiantly together on quality components.
You seem to think hardware is all controlled via a OS...
Alot is to do with the PSU too.
It's not just Mac that are cheap pre built pc's are cheap too.
Also it depends how demanding the components are and how much heat they produce, there are so many variables and you take none into account when making a purchase.
Overall though your mac is fairly good, wouldn't think the PSU/ram/motherboard is upto much though.

Re: whose got a 360? - XIII - 07-29-2009

I've never had a problem with macs being underpowered or breaking down.

I have had problems with non mac PCs being underpowered AND breaking down.

So, seriously, stop trying to convince me. I'm not buying shitty windows. Do you own Microsoft stocks or something?

Re: whose got a 360? - Paullehh - 07-29-2009

Not talking about microsoft i'm talking about hardware.

Just because a PSU is providing enough power certainly dosn't mean it's doing it well.
Many things should be taken into account.
For instance if there is unstable power for whatever reason and how efficiant is the it going to fry all your components the second a surge hits?
Also how efficiant is the unit is it withdrawing $50 worth of electric to provide the components with $20 worth??

Again if you had a idea what i was talking about here (most people do not know alot about computer hardware beyond the basics so it's not something that makes you stupid) you would agree.

Re: whose got a 360? - XIII - 07-29-2009

As a home owner, I do know what you're talking about. Mac prides itself on being energy efficient. The computer actually uses less power than my PS3.

Re: whose got a 360? - Paullehh - 07-29-2009

XIII Wrote:As a home owner, I do know what you're talking about. Mac prides itself on being energy efficient. The computer actually uses less power than my PS3.
The energy efficiancy has nothing to do with apple mac but only the PSU.
what psu did apple put in your mac?

They simply don't bother putting expensive efficiant PSU's in the machines.
This is true of all pre build manufacturers and not just mac.
Also it uses substantualy more than a PS3!!!

Re: whose got a 360? - XIII - 07-29-2009

I dunno what PSU I have. Honestly, I don't really care. My electric bill hasn't changed since I got it, so I assume it's just as good as my last computer.

Re: whose got a 360? - Paullehh - 07-29-2009

i'm not saying it's bad the two xeon cpu's are excellent, whilst being older architecture now they are still capable of handleing any task you can throw at them.

Re: whose got a 360? - Stoopid Dog - 07-29-2009


Re: whose got a 360? - Keezie - 07-29-2009

btw, Halo pwns Gears. whoever says otherwise is a dipshit