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Crazy Ass Bitch In Texas Eats Her Kid - Printable Version

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Crazy Ass Bitch In Texas Eats Her Kid - Alyzzia - 07-28-2009

I just read this and it is some crazy shit!

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Re: Crazy Ass Bitch In Texas Eats Her Kid - sTr - 07-28-2009

bajajajaj, texas house wife massacre....

Re: Crazy Ass Bitch In Texas Eats Her Kid - Insanecowposse - 07-28-2009

Holy shit what in the fuck is wrong with her? she should be sentenced to sleep overnight with the rats that ate that baby.

Re: Crazy Ass Bitch In Texas Eats Her Kid - Paullehh - 07-28-2009

That's some fucked up shit!
I said for years that darkies eat there babys.

bajajaj @ the video for it haveing a comercial for delicious honey but clusters before the story.

Re: Crazy Ass Bitch In Texas Eats Her Kid - Alyzzia - 07-28-2009

Paullehh Wrote:bajajaj @ the video for it haveing a comercial for delicious honey but clusters before the story.

Hahaha yum brains and honey nut clusters!

Re: Crazy Ass Bitch In Texas Eats Her Kid - Grimlin - 07-28-2009

This is straight fucked up.......

Re: Crazy Ass Bitch In Texas Eats Her Kid - Slacker - 07-28-2009


Re: Crazy Ass Bitch In Texas Eats Her Kid - Alyzzia - 07-28-2009

I just cannot fathom how anyone could be that fucked up

Re: Crazy Ass Bitch In Texas Eats Her Kid - sTr - 07-28-2009

Just think of the last time you drove through detroit and thne re-think that....

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Re: Crazy Ass Bitch In Texas Eats Her Kid - The Viper - 07-29-2009

She's not even gonna be full.

Re: Crazy Ass Bitch In Texas Eats Her Kid - Slacker - 07-29-2009


Re: Crazy Ass Bitch In Texas Eats Her Kid - sTr - 07-30-2009

! can't wait till this bitch tries to sue somebody, who knows who and why, but somebody will get the hammer from the crazy old black lady... she already blamed the devil, but by devil we all know she meant the whities...

Re: Crazy Ass Bitch In Texas Eats Her Kid - dirtymonkey22 - 07-30-2009

i cant believe shes on a million dallor bond

Re: Crazy Ass Bitch In Texas Eats Her Kid - Alyzzia - 07-30-2009

Jesse Jackson will probably help her and say she couldn't help herself and it was because corporate white America put drugs in her FEMA trailer that made her nuts.

Re: Crazy Ass Bitch In Texas Eats Her Kid - Insanecowposse - 07-30-2009

Of course they had to make excuses for her like post pardom depression and she was off her meds and in and out of psych wards and she wasn't in her right mind. Bullshit she is a sick fucking murderous bitch that is all its really fucking simple. We would be better without people like her in the world.

Re: Crazy Ass Bitch In Texas Eats Her Kid - sTr - 07-30-2009

word, if ! ate my kids brain they would lock me up and eat the key...

Re: Crazy Ass Bitch In Texas Eats Her Kid - Alyzzia - 07-30-2009

This is exactly why we should have to have permits to reproduce ;)

Re: Crazy Ass Bitch In Texas Eats Her Kid - Star - 07-31-2009

except like permits for everything else, it would take you at least a year to get it and what if you lose your ferility? or your husband dies in a car accident?

Re: Crazy Ass Bitch In Texas Eats Her Kid - Alyzzia - 07-31-2009

I could see potential problems like that happening, but there are so many inept parents out there and they don't deserve children while good people sit on waiting lists for babies.

Say there was actually a license to reproduce, if people did not have a license they would have to give the kid to someone who does have a license and cannot have one themselves.

People should treat having children as a privilege not a right, we shouldn't have to pay for these mothers who have 10 kids and can't afford them.

Re: Crazy Ass Bitch In Texas Eats Her Kid - Star - 07-31-2009

word, it pisses me off that some uneducated 18 year old can get knocked up and get all of her food and medical care for free, but i go to school full time to learn how to medically help others, and still work, but still have a hard time making ends meet, and i can't get shit because i don't work 40 hours on top of going to school full time.

Re: Crazy Ass Bitch In Texas Eats Her Kid - sTr - 07-31-2009


Re: Crazy Ass Bitch In Texas Eats Her Kid - Star - 07-31-2009

true, but i wouldn't want to live in most other places, because even though there are some fucked up things, at least we can say they're fucked up without getting shot, and i can wear what i want, and have the freedom to go to school.

Re: Crazy Ass Bitch In Texas Eats Her Kid - Insanecowposse - 07-31-2009

If you lose a document like a birth certificate you usually can mail a few forms of ID to your birth place and get a new one. If you lose your liscense or registration card there is a record that you got one in the first place so If you lost your right to be a parent card it would likely be similiar. Also If your husband dies in a car crash than you kids life would likely be fucked up i mean growing up without a father or finding out later your real dad was dead before you were born? I was thinking some kind of basica knowledge and maybe a parenting class that could be taught in highschool similiar to sex ed. Also if you adopt a child you have to take tests be financially capable of raising the child etc etc wouldn't that make more sense than say have as many kids as you want whether you can afford them or not. Whether you are mentally stable or not? Right now with anyone able to have kids you have stories like mother drives her car into a lake and drowns her kids and woman eats her baby.
Or look at columbine those parents had no idea the kids were making bombs in their basement brandishing weapons and going to a fucking shooting range let alone the fact they didn't catch the kids going to school with the weapons and bombs? there should be some regulation cus kids are for sure being neglected and are becoming out of control and many times dangerous.

Re: Crazy Ass Bitch In Texas Eats Her Kid - sTr - 08-01-2009

people should just be smart and stop having kids if they can't handle their own lives....