Board 6
Oh Bmore, you so crazy - Printable Version

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Oh Bmore, you so crazy - CranialEntropy - 07-28-2009

Looking for apartments I found this:
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"></a><!-- m -->

in case it gets taken down:

Attractive guy, independently wealthy, beautiful home on 10 acres of land, indoor and outdoor pool, not married, looking for 3 or 4 attractive young ladies between 18-25 to hang out around the pool and just plain look good. Must be open to intimacy. No boyfriends or husbands in the picture. All food, medical, clothing needs paid for. Please don't respond without a pic, I won't answer. No nude pics please although a bikini shot would be cool. This is not a joke. If your current living arrangement sucks or you just want to get out of mom and dads place. You can't do better than this!

Re: Oh Bmore, you so crazy - sTr - 07-28-2009

go for it man, could be a good opportunity....

Re: Oh Bmore, you so crazy - Slacker - 07-28-2009


Re: Oh Bmore, you so crazy - Paullehh - 07-28-2009

-applied and sent bikini shot.

Re: Oh Bmore, you so crazy - sTr - 07-28-2009

felony should send some pics to him, and post his replies...

Re: Oh Bmore, you so crazy - XIII - 07-28-2009

sTr Wrote:felony should send some pics to him, and post his replies...
[Image: 1244901667675.jpg]

Re: Oh Bmore, you so crazy - Ms Felony - 07-28-2009

no way, he's probably some crazed rich maniac

Re: Oh Bmore, you so crazy - Star - 07-28-2009

maybe if i were younger, and hotter , and not dating fred

Re: Oh Bmore, you so crazy - CrAzYT - 07-29-2009

Living in Baltimore was a terrible portion of my life. I lived in the University West apartments, pretty much right across the street from the lacrosse field at the JHU Homewood campus. The only good thing about where I lived is that it was right next door to One World Cafe, a superb vegetarian restaurant. Not only that, but Hopkins Deli had some pretty damn good pizza.