Board 6
Tow Truck? - Printable Version

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Tow Truck? - Ms Felony - 07-26-2009

WTF, this is nuts
[Image: japanesetowtruck1.jpg]
[Image: japanesetowtruck2.jpg]

Re: Tow Truck? - dirtymonkey22 - 07-26-2009

wtf it looks more like something in transformers

Re: Tow Truck? - sTr - 07-26-2009

hell yeah, ! seen that a while back... weird concept, but cool looking...

Re: Tow Truck? - canttouchthis80 - 07-26-2009

it could work but wide turns

Re: Tow Truck? - Ms Felony - 07-28-2009

It does work, they use these in Japan apparently

Re: Tow Truck? - sTr - 07-28-2009

and people think asians are smart...