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if u had to choose another race what would it be - Printable Version

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if u had to choose another race what would it be - canttouchthis80 - 07-25-2009

Was bored as hell cause no one else is on the board so thought i would leave a question for u people to respond to when u get back on. If u had the choice to change your race would u do it and to which race. if yes why.

Re: if u had to choose another race what would it be - DamDanger - 07-25-2009

urmm, Russian, German

Re: if u had to choose another race what would it be - canttouchthis80 - 07-25-2009

german would be the one i choose as well just because i want to be related to hitler in some way so i could say the death of the jews would be a family goal

Re: if u had to choose another race what would it be - Paullehh - 07-25-2009

Hitler was Austrian.
German/russian is nationality and not race....
Americans Rolls Eyes

Re: if u had to choose another race what would it be - canttouchthis80 - 07-25-2009

ahhh then i guess americans i would remain

Re: if u had to choose another race what would it be - Insanecowposse - 07-25-2009

superwhite that would be my new race

Re: if u had to choose another race what would it be - Ms Felony - 07-25-2009

Alien, definately

Re: if u had to choose another race what would it be - sTr - 07-25-2009

they already did that, the nazi's....

Re: if u had to choose another race what would it be - Grimlin - 07-25-2009

Asians.....Those fuckers are smart as hell.They know how to handle business and make some $$.

They aren't scare of shit either.......

Agagaga @ german or russian......That's white!

<-----is German.....I'm almost full one person on my dad's side is part Indian/German.I have the German Temper... :(

Re: if u had to choose another race what would it be - sTr - 07-25-2009

mexican, cause they know how to party....and not work....

Re: if u had to choose another race what would it be - Grimlin - 07-25-2009

sTr Wrote:mexican, cause they know how to party....and not work....

Technically they do work...They pride themselves on doing work nobody else wants to do.They also don't make much money either.

Mexicans are highly corrupted too.They will back stab your ass quick.Look what happened to Selena.Seriously,every time i talk to one i think they are complete dumb asses. I hate every aspect way of life the Mexicans live.It seems like they live to do crime. Fire Face

I lived in a predominant Mexican neighborhood for 17 years....I serious thought i was in Mexico growing up.

Re: if u had to choose another race what would it be - sTr - 07-25-2009

not sure why ! typed not, ! meant to put and work.... ! guess !'m just in the mindset of trying not to work since !'m at work.

Re: if u had to choose another race what would it be - CranialEntropy - 07-25-2009

god damn there's some racist generalization going on in this thread.

Re: if u had to choose another race what would it be - sTr - 07-25-2009

that's b6 for you....

Re: if u had to choose another race what would it be - Grimlin - 07-25-2009

The cool Mexicans are the ones who actually work,take care of family and live like a American.I don't mind so of them.

The ones i have problems with are the ones who wave their Mexican flags with pride,but live here in America.Those guys gave me nothing but problems growing up.I wish they go back to Mexico where they are from if they like it there so much.

Re: if u had to choose another race what would it be - XIII - 07-25-2009

Paullehh Wrote:Hitler was Austrian.
German/russian is nationality and not race....
Americans Rolls Eyes

What he said.

Please don't lump all Americans into one big lump of ignorance, though. Kinda just put yourself on the same page.

Re: if u had to choose another race what would it be - canttouchthis80 - 07-25-2009

there is alot off truth to ingorance though

Re: if u had to choose another race what would it be - CranialEntropy - 07-25-2009

canttouchthis80 Wrote:there is alot off truth to ingorance though
gah, where does one even start to point out all the fallacies of this logic or lack there of?

Re: if u had to choose another race what would it be - canttouchthis80 - 07-25-2009

if your black u are 100% more likely to steal something

Re: if u had to choose another race what would it be - sTr - 07-25-2009

CranialEntropy Wrote:
canttouchthis80 Wrote:there is alot off truth to ingorance though
gah, where does one even start to point out all the fallacies of this logic or lack there of?

let me help...

the truth in the ignorance in that statement proves that he is ignorant, therefor it holds some percentage of truth.

Re: if u had to choose another race what would it be - dirtymonkey22 - 07-25-2009

i told cowposse (steve) at work that he talks more then black people at the movies and 1 of the 3 black people there got a little pissed shes like ahh thats rasist as hell and steve said well its ok when dane cook said it on tv or many other people when making a joke she had nothing to say and i told her theres a lot more stuff i can say that is racist and said jews=cheap mexicans work alot asians are super smart and all black men have huge dicks lets just say she hasent said shit to me since

Re: if u had to choose another race what would it be - sTr - 07-25-2009

That's why ! Hate niggers, they need to stfu, stop worrying about people being racist and worry about working, learning english and taking showers.

[ Post made via Mobile Device ] [Image: mobile.png]

Re: if u had to choose another race what would it be - canttouchthis80 - 07-25-2009

i wish i had the power to turn u into a nigger would be fun to watch what u would do

Re: if u had to choose another race what would it be - dirtymonkey22 - 07-25-2009

Re: if u had to choose another race what would it be - canttouchthis80 - 07-25-2009

white power

Re: if u had to choose another race what would it be - Paullehh - 07-25-2009

You can walk around for a week here and not see an single non white person.
Scotland FTW

Re: if u had to choose another race what would it be - dirtymonkey22 - 07-25-2009

coolist super villain from fawsett comics (cap marvel shazaam) wich is owned by dc comics

cap nazi

[Image: 250pxmastercomics21.jpg]

Re: if u had to choose another race what would it be - sTr - 07-25-2009

Nazis own... nazis in comics mega f'n own....

[ Post made via Mobile Device ] [Image: mobile.png]

Re: if u had to choose another race what would it be - dirtymonkey22 - 07-25-2009

hes been in batman and shit like that hes the dc version of cap america

Re: if u had to choose another race what would it be - sTr - 07-25-2009

bajaj @ nazi man being compared to cap america... makes sense to me, anyone else?

Re: if u had to choose another race what would it be - Paullehh - 07-25-2009

There is no greater superhero then when Erick becomes......BANANNAMAN!
It looks like a dildo *sniggers*
[Image: 10zscoi.jpg]

Re: if u had to choose another race what would it be - canttouchthis80 - 07-26-2009

maybe u just look at dildos to much

Re: if u had to choose another race what would it be - dirtymonkey22 - 07-26-2009


Re: if u had to choose another race what would it be - canttouchthis80 - 07-26-2009

thats probably all he sees

Re: if u had to choose another race what would it be - Star - 07-26-2009

i'd be a blood elf :geek: