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They found out there son was dead online - Printable Version

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They found out there son was dead online - Insanecowposse - 07-24-2009

MINNEAPOLIS, Minnesota (CNN) -- Abayte Ahmed and her husband learned of their son's death in the most heinous fashion. A family acquaintance called and told them to click on an Internet site. There on the screen were photographs of their 20-year-old son -- the boy with the movie-star looks -- shot through the head thousands of miles away in Somalia.

Jamal Bana died in Somalia. Several missing Somali-Americans are believed to have fought there.

"He must have been somewhat disillusioned and indoctrinated, because he didn't have any clue about Somalia at all," his mother said, fighting back tears and barely able to speak about her eldest son.

Jamal Bana had been missing for months from his Minneapolis home. His family is still grappling with the circumstances surrounding his death in a land they had fled -- an African nation wracked by chaos and violence.

The FBI said Bana's death is part of a sweeping federal investigation into a recruiting effort in the United States by a Somali terrorist group called Al-Shabaab, which has ties to al Qaeda. More than a dozen young men of Somali descent have disappeared from the Minneapolis area in recent months. At least three, including Bana, have ended up dead in Somalia, community leaders say.

Re: They found out there son was dead online - sTr - 07-24-2009

now that is fucked up, something ! wouldn't even do.....

Re: They found out there son was dead online - Grimlin - 07-24-2009

Wait a minute,he got recruited by terrorist,and now he's dead?

Am i missing something here? Cause I'm ready to say "Yay! dead nigger terrorist!"

Re: They found out there son was dead online - sTr - 07-24-2009

fuck him being dead, !'l just saying that's fucked up.... believe me, ! love making people click links to get shit on, but god damn, blown off head and shit... but word @ fuck niggers...

Re: They found out there son was dead online - canttouchthis80 - 07-25-2009

yeah it would be sad if he werent a nigger