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STASH - Ms Felony - 07-23-2009

While I hav'nt been sorting the yacht out recently due to dodgy weather I decided to sort some other things out, One being where the hell am I gonna put my food, I could scatter it all around the little alcoves an stuff, but fuck that, it would piss me off after a bit trying to locate something which I probably would've eaten. :x

S I was in the local hardware store which is actually much more than a hardware store, they also do reclamation stuff so who knows what you might see the next time right.
Anyway, I saw some cylindrical plastic barrels about 2 feet high, So I opened one up and thought nah, they would be a bitch rolling over the fucking place damaging my goodies inside.
I go down the next isle and saw something much more suitable, But this is where it gets really interesting cause I opened the next container up and climbed inside waiting for some fuck to come down the isle and mess his head up.
Sitting inside this large container it was getting pretty hot, So i slowly lift the top of the lid to get some air and have a sneeky look around, I spot someone 2 isles over, So I wait inside till he comes over and I open the lid really fast and scream at him, His arms shoot up in the air and he full on jumps backwards knocking over a stand with some small butane gas canisters over and lands on the deck.
The last paragraph didn't really happen, I was just wondering if anybody would actually read all of this post, Here's two of the containers I bought which now contain a variety of goodies for the yacht.
[Image: storage2.jpg]

Re: STASH - sTr - 07-24-2009

Nice containers....

Bajaj @ faking the story, ! Wasn't gonna read all that, but it was dead here so ! Figured !'d give it another go around

[ Post made via Mobile Device ] [Image: mobile.png]

Re: STASH - juggalogigolo - 07-24-2009

how bigs the yacht? got pics? just get it, or had it a while?

Re: STASH - Ms Felony - 07-24-2009

its 22 foot and 4 berth, still in dry dock at the moment as I still have a few things to do on it.

Re: STASH - sTr - 07-24-2009

Shits badass, what do you do for work that you can buy a yacht?

[ Post made via Mobile Device ] [Image: mobile.png]

Re: STASH - Ms Felony - 07-24-2009

If I told you I would have to kill you.

Re: STASH - Autumn - 07-24-2009

Felony, your name should be Ms Enigma.. because we don't really know a damn thing about you. lol

Re: STASH - juggalogigolo - 07-24-2009

<---- I love only men, rich as fuck, and a tranny. never shows pics of his face..........

Re: STASH - Paullehh - 07-24-2009

You bought that boat then...
Happy sinking, keep coast guard on speeddial.

Re: STASH - sTr - 07-24-2009

mysterious is the only way to go....

Re: STASH - canttouchthis80 - 07-25-2009

maybe i should hire a dective to find out a little more

Re: STASH - Ms Felony - 07-25-2009

good luck with that

Re: STASH - Keezie - 07-25-2009

a tranny with a yacht. doesn't get much weirder

Re: STASH - Ms Felony - 07-25-2009

whats weird about that?

you're a douche bag with a car, so what....

Re: STASH - sTr - 07-25-2009

<---- retard with a moped....

Re: STASH - Star - 07-25-2009


Re: STASH - canttouchthis80 - 07-25-2009

dont laugh at retard people

Re: STASH - XIII - 07-25-2009

No offense, but where I come from... if you called that a "yacht," you'd get made fun of for the rest of your life.

That's just a dinghy.

And here come the dictionary entries for "yacht."

Seriously, that thing's small time.

Re: STASH - sTr - 07-25-2009

bigger then my yacht....

Re: STASH - XIII - 07-25-2009

sTr Wrote:bigger then my yacht....
That's not the point. My friend's got a 70 footer, and he doesn't even use the term "yacht."

That's for pretentious cocksuckers that barely go out in the water. They just buy it as a status symbol.

20 footer isn't a bad boat AT ALL. I got a 16 footer. Even smaller. But shit ain't no yacht. That's all.

Re: STASH - canttouchthis80 - 07-25-2009

maybe she/he just likes small things and didnt want a huge one

Re: STASH - XIII - 07-25-2009

You just have to draw the line somewhere. It's like calling everything a "sedan" if it has 4 doors.

Re: STASH - canttouchthis80 - 07-25-2009

would calling it a boat make you happier

Re: STASH - XIII - 07-25-2009

Much, actually.

I mean, to each his/her/it's own... if he wants to call it a yacht, go for it. I just feel really misled, cuz I waited for the picture and I saw that and learned that it's just a standard boat.

Re: STASH - Paullehh - 07-25-2009

it's a small yacht, it's only elitist snobs who want to reserve the term for themselves.

Re: STASH - XIII - 07-25-2009

Paullehh Wrote:it's a small yacht, it's only elitist snobs who want to reserve the term for themselves.
Plz read whole threads before pointing fingers. Thx.

Re: STASH - Paullehh - 07-25-2009

Read it, what's your point?

Re: STASH - XIII - 07-25-2009

Paullehh Wrote:Read it, what's your point?
Calling me a snob. (passive-aggressively, don't deny it).

I said a friend doesn't call his 70 footer a "yacht" because it's pretentious.

That's all.

Re: STASH - Ms Felony - 07-25-2009

having a 70 foot boat/yacht whatever YOU wanna call it is pretentious.

face it, it has sails, its a fucking yacht, calling something a boat just confuses the issue since a boat could mean anything.
fucking hell, i could call a car a boat over here and that means it's a fucking shed, which means its shit.

Re: STASH - XIII - 07-25-2009

Don't be jealous. I'm just telling you the term yacht means something differetn around here. Call it whatever u want. But I've seen 20 ft lifeboats. Would u call them yachts?

[ Post made via Mobile Device ] [Image: mobile.png]

Re: STASH - Ms Felony - 07-25-2009

No, due to them having a motor and no sails, calling a lifeboat a yacht would be retarded, why would I be jelous?

Re: STASH - Grimlin - 07-25-2009

I call them boats {end/}

Re: STASH - Ms Felony - 07-25-2009

that's where it doesn't end actually, when you have the sails up nothing can fuck with you no matter how big, they have to give way.

Re: STASH - Paullehh - 07-25-2009

I was correct, it's pretentious to say it's not a yacht because it's not big enough.
this is exactly like some tosser saying "That's not a car, my ferrari is a car your ford can not be called a car"
Face it XIII only a elitist fag would think like this.

Re: STASH - dirtymonkey22 - 07-25-2009