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Phobias - Printable Version

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Phobias - Alyzzia - 07-23-2009

The thread about being scared of Asians made me think to post this thread.

What are your phobias?

I'm afraid of antiques, I couldn't find the scientific term for it.

Also I have the "Frankenstein complex" which is the fear of robots.

Re: Phobias - sTr - 07-23-2009

mine would have to be airplanes... when ! was a kid ! was always flying all over the place. It was cool then, but it seems like every plane ! get on now is just increasing the chances that that one, or the next one will crash... ! have been flying at least 5-10 times a year since ! was born.... took a break last year and only flew 4 times...

! have dreams about that shit crashing every now and then, !'ll be in my seat and it's like ! can feel the dip, and then it going back up... then after that it nose dives and ! can see the ground from the front cockpit window...

! have crazy zombie dreams too, but zombies are awesome....

Re: Phobias - Star - 07-23-2009

i have crazy nightmares all the time

last week i dreamed this guy set my mom on fire, i kept hearing her scream even after i woke up, it was awful

Re: Phobias - CranialEntropy - 07-23-2009


Re: Phobias - Grimlin - 07-23-2009


I come too dang close to drowning a few times.....

What's even funnier is that I fish all the I'm always around water.It doesn't make any sense......I guess you could say i face my fears quite a bit.

Re: Phobias - Enigma - 07-23-2009

I'm afraid of garbage disposals. I'll use it, but if a spoon or fork falls down the drain someone else has to fish it out.

And I'm fucking terrified by spiders. There's a black widow living in my winter coat. I'm too afraid of her to take the coat to the trash. I'll never wear it again....even if I were to wash it. I'd be too paranoid that she'd laid eggs and I'd be wearing the coat when they hatched. *shiver*

I also have crazy zombie dreams. Like at least once a week. It's flippin nuts.

Re: Phobias - Autumn - 07-24-2009

I'm not really scared of Asians. I don't think I have a phobia of anything in particular.

Re: Phobias - DamDanger - 07-24-2009


Re: Phobias - Stoopid Dog - 07-24-2009

Im scared of gravity, not heights, but gravity.

Even standing on a steppping stool has me nervous.

Re: Phobias - canttouchthis80 - 07-25-2009

in scared off god if he does exsist and if hes doesnt im afraid that when i die some weird guy is gonna come rape my corpse

Re: Phobias - sTr - 07-25-2009

that sounds like somehing you would do...

Re: Phobias - Alyzzia - 07-25-2009

I love that you guys didn't ask me about my weird phobias, usually people say stupid shit about them haha

Re: Phobias - canttouchthis80 - 07-25-2009

your phobias arnt that weird

Re: Phobias - dirtymonkey22 - 07-26-2009

im scared of albinos there creepy as fuck

Re: Phobias - Slacker - 07-26-2009

i cant have people touching or grabbing my wrists, it usually evokes a strong angry sometimes violent reaction

not really a phobia but as close to one as i have

are any juggalos scared of clowns? that would be hilarious

Re: Phobias - sTr - 07-27-2009

* touches your wrists *

Re: Phobias - Lyeranceras - 07-27-2009

Im afraid to cross the Street ever since i was hit by that truck

Re: Phobias - sTr - 07-27-2009

it couldn't have been that bad if you're still alive...

Re: Phobias - CranialEntropy - 07-28-2009

but it still explains alot

Re: Phobias - sTr - 07-28-2009

bajaj, tis true...

Re: Phobias - sTr - 08-07-2009

[Image: super-phobia-bros-20090807104143896-000.jpg]