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star wars vs star trek - Printable Version

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star wars vs star trek - dirtymonkey22 - 07-22-2009

This article is about the media franchise. For the 1977 film, see Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope. For other uses, see Star Wars (disambiguation).

The Star Wars logo, as seen in all films Star Wars portal
Star Wars is an epic space opera franchise initially conceived by George Lucas. The first film in the franchise was originally released on May 25, 1977 by 20th Century Fox, and became a worldwide pop culture phenomenon, spawning two immediate sequels, released at three-year intervals. Sixteen years after the release of the trilogy's final film, the first in a new prequel trilogy of films was released, again released at three-year intervals, with the final film released on May 19, 2005.

As of 2008, the overall box office revenue generated by the six Star Wars films has totalled approximately $4.3 billion, making it the third-highest grossing film series,[1] behind only the James Bond and Harry Potter films.

The Star Wars franchise has spawned other media including books, television series, video games, and comic books. These supplements to the film trilogies comprise the Star Wars Expanded Universe, and have resulted in significant development of the series' fictional universe. These media kept the franchise going in the interim between the film trilogies. In 2008, Star Wars: The Clone Wars was released to theaters as the first ever worldwide theatrical Star Wars film outside of the main trilogies. It was the franchise's first animated film, and was intended as an introduction to the Expanded Universe series of the same name, a 3D CGI animated series based on a 2003 animated 2D series, also of the same name.

Star Trek is an American science fiction entertainment series and media franchise. The Star Trek fictional multiverse created by Gene Roddenberry is the setting of six television series, including the original 1966 Star Trek, and eleven feature films. The franchise also includes dozens of computer and video games, hundreds of novels and instances of fan fiction, several fan-created video productions, as well as a themed attraction in Las Vegas. Beginning with the original TV series and continuing with the subsequent films and series, the franchise has created a cult phenomenon and has spawned many pop culture references.[1]

Re: star wars vs star trek - sTr - 07-22-2009

it's funny because ! had this up as one of the topics, then ! took it down because ! was too lazy to write it. saw it this morning and was like "what the shit". anyways, star wars all the way, love both of them, but star wars has my vote....

Re: star wars vs star trek - azriley2k - 07-22-2009

Star Wars... However 'Midiclorians' might tip the scales the other way

Re: star wars vs star trek - canttouchthis80 - 07-25-2009

star wars has better movies

Re: star wars vs star trek - sTr - 07-25-2009

Star trek has the better tv shows

[ Post made via Mobile Device ] [Image: mobile.png]

Re: star wars vs star trek - canttouchthis80 - 07-25-2009

has star wars made any tv shows but cartoons and wtf is with the board it seems like its getting slower they better be fixing this problem

Re: star wars vs star trek - The Warlock - 07-10-2012

star wars.

no comp.

Re: star wars vs star trek - fghtffyrdmns - 07-11-2012

Star Trek is closer to my heart.

Re: star wars vs star trek - F-Disk - 07-11-2012

canttouchthis80 Wrote:has star wars made any tv shows but cartoons and wtf is with the board it seems like its getting slower they better be fixing this problem
More ppl

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2

Re: star wars vs star trek - COUSIN IT - 07-11-2012

this person looks like marilyn playing some weird star war RPG shit i was there trying to find the MB link...

<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"></a><!-- m -->

Re: star wars vs star trek - COUSIN IT - 08-22-2012

i found the link of the MB

<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... sithdomain</a><!-- m -->

Re: star wars vs star trek - COUSIN IT - 08-22-2012


Re: star wars vs star trek - R31GN - 08-23-2012

Never seen either.