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sam raimi to direct warcraft movie - dirtymonkey22 - 07-22-2009


'World of Warcraft'

Sam Raimi has signed on to direct "Warcraft," the live-action film adaptation of the fantasy videogame franchise "World of Warcraft."
Legendary Pictures and vidgame publisher Blizzard Entertainment are mounting the film, and Warner Bros. will co-finance and distribute. The team boasts an impressive pedigree: In addition to the director of "Spider-Man," the partners have added "The Dark Knight" producer Charles Roven to the creative mix.

The plan is for Raimi to supervise development of "Warcraft" and shoot the picture after he completes work on "Spider-Man 4," which gets under way early next year for Columbia Pictures.

The movie will be financed under the Legendary Pictures' co-production and co-financing deal with WB, in a manner similar to the Todd Phillips-directed "The Hangover" plus the Roven-produced "Batman Begins" and "Dark Knight."

The "Warcraft" universe features an epic conflict between the Horde and the Alliance. The game has developed a global following since its launch in 1994 and shows no signs of slowing. Its most recent expansion, "Wrath of the Lich King," sold more than 2.8 million copies in the first day of release and more than 4 million its first month.

"Warcraft" is "emblematic of the kind of branded, event films for which our studio is best known," said Warner Bros. Pictures Group president Jeff Robinov. The deal revives a long-dormant pact made by Legendary and Blizzard for a film adaptation of the game (Daily Variety, May 8, 2006).More than one option(Co) Daily Variety
Filmography, Year, Role
(Co) Daily Variety

"At its core, 'Warcraft' is a fantastic, action-packed story," Raimi said in a statement.

Raimi most recently directed "Drag Me to Hell."

Roven and his Atlas producing partner Alex Gartner will produce with Legendary's CEO Thomas Tull and chief creative officer Jon Jashni, Raimi and his producing partner, Joshua Donen. Rob Tapert will be executive producer, and Blizzard senior VP of creative development Chris Metzen will be co-producer.

Re: sam raimi to direct warcraft movie - Insanecowposse - 07-22-2009

Dorks Unite! Lets all go down there in dork costumes and talk/spit thru our headgear for teeth.

Re: sam raimi to direct warcraft movie - sTr - 07-22-2009

[Image: vader-nooooo.jpg]

Re: sam raimi to direct warcraft movie - Star - 07-22-2009

i highly doubt i would see this

Re: sam raimi to direct warcraft movie - Enigma - 07-23-2009

There isn't a strong enough word for me to use when I say I'll use what's at my disposal....


In all aspects. If I could go back to 1994 and shoot whoever the fuck suggested it be distributed, I totally would. End of story. I will never see this movie. Ugh! As if the inability to sleep wasn't bad enough. Lol. This is stupid. Sorry if I offended any of you who play it, but it's fucking stupid and a waste of time.

Re: sam raimi to direct warcraft movie - sTr - 07-23-2009

! have hated warcraft since the 56k days, fuck that shit fuck that shit in the butt, fuck buying fake currency with real currency, and just plain fuck that shit,,,

Re: sam raimi to direct warcraft movie - Enigma - 07-23-2009

Bajaj! I dunno how interesting it'll be to watch some dude makin arrows for like 2 hours straight...but it's what warcrafters do.

Bajaj even harder at I was watchin Judge Judy yesterday and some chick was suing some guy cuz his comp broke and she "loaned" him money to buy a new one so they could play WoW. I laughed so hard! She won the case though.

Re: sam raimi to direct warcraft movie - CranialEntropy - 07-23-2009

-Used to seriously be in love with warcraft 3
necro rush bitches

Re: sam raimi to direct warcraft movie - Enigma - 07-23-2009

I think my opinion of you has dropped a little.

Re: sam raimi to direct warcraft movie - juggalogigolo - 07-23-2009

making arrows for 2 hours straight?

wtf are you talking about?

Re: sam raimi to direct warcraft movie - Enigma - 07-23-2009

WoW. That's what people do. They sit and make arrows. Or clothes. For like 2 fucking hours.

Sorry. It's more a joke about how lame WoW is that my bf and I have.

Re: sam raimi to direct warcraft movie - juggalogigolo - 07-23-2009

youve got no fucking clue at all, me and star play wow every day, and ive never made arrows, ever, let alone 2 hours a day

Re: sam raimi to direct warcraft movie - sTr - 07-23-2009

yeah, fred just kills sheep all day....

Re: sam raimi to direct warcraft movie - juggalogigolo - 07-23-2009

i do quests, get some money, run old dungeons, chat with people, hang out, and run 10 man raids... no arrows involved

Re: sam raimi to direct warcraft movie - sTr - 07-23-2009

-only boners.

Re: sam raimi to direct warcraft movie - Enigma - 07-23-2009

Fuck WoW. Seriously, it's fucking gay. You should find another way to waste your time.

Re: sam raimi to direct warcraft movie - sTr - 07-23-2009


Re: sam raimi to direct warcraft movie - juggalogigolo - 07-23-2009

bajaja i think its hilarious you hate it so much, but have no reason to..... funny shit

Re: sam raimi to direct warcraft movie - sTr - 07-23-2009

Reason: hating things is fun....

Re: sam raimi to direct warcraft movie - Grimlin - 07-23-2009

Re: sam raimi to direct warcraft movie - juggalogigolo - 07-24-2009

bajajaj thats old as fuck, zaladarian hero charm was a sweet fuckin necklace back in the day 3 years ago, shit about warriors is true, ive got the sword and the armor that guys wearing, shits old as fuck, but looks badass..... and warriros can pwn the fuck outta people........ as long as they have a healer :-/

Re: sam raimi to direct warcraft movie - Enigma - 07-24-2009

I have a reason for hating that fucking game. My ex would rather play that game than take care of his child. One day when she was 6mos old I came home on my lunch break to take her to my aunt's house so he could go look for a job and her diaper was soaked through, her clothes were wet from pee, she hadn't been fed and she was crying her 6month old head off.

He was way too busy playing WoW to take care of her. He's always been too busy playing that damned game to take care of his child.

Not to mention, my father's the same way. If it's not WoW, he doesn't care about it.

I fucking hate it!

Re: sam raimi to direct warcraft movie - juggalogigolo - 07-24-2009

just cause the dudes in your life have their priorities fucked dosent mean the game is gay

that would be like me hating tv cause some dumb bitch i used to fuck watched soap operas all day.....

makes no fuckin sense

Re: sam raimi to direct warcraft movie - sTr - 07-24-2009

no, the game being gay makes the game gay....

Re: sam raimi to direct warcraft movie - N-Do - 07-24-2009

im not a warcraft fan, so i dont really care bout this, but i have a few friends who do play and my one homie was tellin me that theres like a Sanford & Sons junkyard type place thats totally jocking sanford & sons, i doubt itll be anywhere in the movie, but i thought that was pretty funny.... havent found any pics of it yet

Re: sam raimi to direct warcraft movie - canttouchthis80 - 07-25-2009

mage= rape warriors regardless of healer

Re: sam raimi to direct warcraft movie - juggalogigolo - 07-25-2009

<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"></a><!-- m -->

eh, depends, i can take out a mage occasionally

Re: sam raimi to direct warcraft movie - canttouchthis80 - 07-25-2009

what spec u be playing as a warrior and what spec the mage be it makes a huge difference. fire mages probably easy for warriors but as a arcane mage the rape of warriors is ungodly easy