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Gameboy vs. Game Gear - Printable Version

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Gameboy vs. Game Gear - sTr - 07-21-2009

Arguably the greatest argument for most awesome hand held video game systems. These two battled it out very hard. Some gamers would say the Game Boy had a clear cut victory, and others would say that Sega gave Nintendo another run for their money. Both had their pros, and both definitely had their downfalls. Let the War-Zone begin!

[Image: 245px-Gameboy_logo.svg.png]

From the day it came out Gameboy has been a success. People wanted a hand held NES and Nintendo wasn't afraid to give it to them. The hand held system seems a bit bulky now-a-days, when it came out the Gameboy was state of the art mobile gaming. Originally packed with Tetris; Gameboy broke all kinds of sales records, and even holds many of them today. A few competitors came around to try and knock Gameboy off their high horse, none of which mattered until the release of....

[Image: Logo_gamegear.png]

Bring the color on, declared Sega. They weren't going to take this one without a fight. They were hot off the huge success of Genesis and they thought they had Nintendo reeling. How do you beat a bulky black and white hand held system? Make a bulkier hand held system, with color. Color alone created a great hand held war, it was important to some, others just wanted good games.

Now you decide and give some input.... Which was the better system?

Re: Gameboy vs. Game Gear - Paullehh - 07-21-2009

Game gear, oh yeh

Re: Gameboy vs. Game Gear - Grimlin - 07-21-2009

I has game gear... Pimp

Re: Gameboy vs. Game Gear - XIII - 07-21-2009

Game boy. Game gear took too many batteries, and it died too fast. The games were just ports of Genesis games. Fuck that.

Nintendo wins this war.

Re: Gameboy vs. Game Gear - Slacker - 07-21-2009

gameboy, hands down


Re: Gameboy vs. Game Gear - dirtymonkey22 - 07-21-2009

the game boy is the best selling system of all time noone can fuck with it everyone has had a gameboy at one time or another

Re: Gameboy vs. Game Gear - N-Do - 07-22-2009

Game Gear.

Fuck Mario

Re: Gameboy vs. Game Gear - azriley2k - 07-22-2009

Game Boy, all the way. I still have the old 5 lb. brick b & w gameboy,

While Game Gear had the full color screen the games sucked.

Game Boy had the better games. to name a few:

Super Mario Land
Final Fantasy Adventure
Pokemon (knock it if you want, but you know you secretly played it)
Bart Vs. The Juggernauts
Kirby in Dreamland

and others that I can't recall at the moment

Re: Gameboy vs. Game Gear - sTr - 07-22-2009

Super mario land 2 was way better the the first one...

Re: Gameboy vs. Game Gear - canttouchthis80 - 07-25-2009

game boy didnt even know what game gear was before this