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Coca-Cola vs. Pepsi - Printable Version

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Coca-Cola vs. Pepsi - sTr - 07-21-2009

There are many things that come into play with this classic battle of the carbonated drinks. Coca-Cola has the history and the image, while Pepsi also has the image they also have a great taste as well. A battle of Red vs Blue, before there was a Red vs. Blue. Let's Get it on.

[Image: 200px-Coca-Cola_logo.svg.png]

Coca-Cola dates back to 1885 when it was originally started as a Cocawine, but soon changed to Coca-Cola in 1886 when prohibition was put into place in the Atlanta area. From there it only went up. Coke has designed the American Santa Clause, the famous bottle shape and many more memorable moments and logos. Although Coke had a strong hold on the market they almost lost it all in 1985 when they tried to change their formula with "New Coke", needless to say it didn't go over very well. Luckily for you it didn't last very long and now you can all enjoy your Coca-Cola.

[Image: 251px-Pepsi_logo_2008.svg.png]

Not too long after the iconic Coca-Cola hit the market, a new start up came around to bring a bit of competition. 1898 was the year Pepsi came out, in a similar fashion as Coke, Pepsi started out as a medicine. Known back then as "Brad's Drink", and was later named Pepsi Cola possibly due the digestive enzyme pepsin and kola nuts used in the recipe. Pepsi didn't gain popularity until 1926 during the Great Depression when it came out with a 12oz bottle for only 5 cents. After that Pepsi started to gain it's popularity from marketing. Pepsi Challenge anyone?

Re: Coca-Cola vs. Pepsi - CranialEntropy - 07-21-2009

3 out of 4 people can't tell which is which if they're in unlabeled container.

Truth mang

Re: Coca-Cola vs. Pepsi - Grimlin - 07-21-2009

Coca cola....and i can tell!

Re: Coca-Cola vs. Pepsi - sTr - 07-21-2009

!'m more of a pepsi guy, tastes sweeter(better) to me.

not that this impairs my judgment at all, but ! used to work for this Christian dude and he would never let me buy Pepsi because they donated to aids, what the shit!

Re: Coca-Cola vs. Pepsi - Grimlin - 07-21-2009

STRetard Wrote:!'m more of a pepsi guy, tastes sweeter(better) to me.

not that this impairs my judgment at all, but ! used to work for this Christian dude and he would never let me buy Pepsi because they donated to aids, what the shit!

I've notice pepsi is detroit's choice of drink.....Pepsi does have more supporters here than coke.

I prefer Dr.Pepper,but it wasn't on the poll....

Re: Coca-Cola vs. Pepsi - dirtymonkey22 - 07-22-2009

i got to say coke ftw hell if you ask me pepsi should sell mtdew to coke and go die

you know wut pisses me off is going out to eat and ordering a coke and getting a fucking pepsi its happend and they got no tip because if you dont think theres a diffrence you need to be shot because ur a fucking retard !!!!!!
thats why i seem like a douch bag and ask what band they have and i always get a dirty look cuz if its coke i get a coke if its pepsi i get a mt dew and thats how it works

Re: Coca-Cola vs. Pepsi - N-Do - 07-22-2009


I used to be a pepsi fan as a kid, but now-a-days its too sweet for me and dosent quench my thirst does like Coke will.

Word @ Dr.Pepper, fuck Mr.Pibb though, wattered down ass shit version.

Re: Coca-Cola vs. Pepsi - XIII - 07-23-2009

Sometimes I'm in the mood for one, sometimes the other. I can't vote. Coke's flavored drinks are better (i.e. cherry coke), but plain ole coke vs. pepsi... no clear winner for me.

Re: Coca-Cola vs. Pepsi - N-Do - 07-24-2009

XIII Wrote:Sometimes I'm in the mood for one, sometimes the other. I can't vote. Coke's flavored drinks are better (i.e. cherry coke), but plain ole coke vs. pepsi... no clear winner for me.

Really? You prefer Cherry Coke over Wild Cherry pepsi?

Cuz thats something I didnt think of, I love Wild Cherry Pepsi, but thats the only flavored pepsi I've liked. Coke has/had vanilla,cherry,lime,lemmon, and Green Tea if you live in Japan.

Re: Coca-Cola vs. Pepsi - canttouchthis80 - 07-25-2009

coke is better pepsi to sweet at times. and wtf who wants to drink green tea coke

Re: Coca-Cola vs. Pepsi - XIII - 07-25-2009

[Image: 8348_1_468.jpeg]

Re: Coca-Cola vs. Pepsi - canttouchthis80 - 07-26-2009

do they have no shame