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Sick of MJ on TV - Printable Version

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Sick of MJ on TV - Insanecowposse - 07-20-2009

He's fucking dead already but they drag it on and on so that its the only thing on tv anymore! ANyone else sick of that shit?

Re: Sick of MJ on TV - XIII - 07-20-2009

I don't really watch TV. For this reason.

When there's one news story, it's on for months.

When there's a successful show, 15 clones come on.

Couple that with commercials I don't give a shit about, and you get a recipe for something not worth the time.

Just go to Hulu, or torrent a series you like, or would like to watch... or rent a movie.

TV is becoming very obsolete.

Re: Sick of MJ on TV - sTr - 07-20-2009

interet owns tv now a days, and if you don't know, you a fool...

Re: Sick of MJ on TV - Grimlin - 07-20-2009

It's not going to slow down for years to come.So get used to it.Every time they find some more news they'll bleed it out to death.

Re: Sick of MJ on TV - TheGreenBK - 07-20-2009

MJ DIED!!!!!!!!
Farrah Fossett did too
BACK TO MJ!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Re: Sick of MJ on TV - dirtymonkey22 - 07-20-2009

ive thought about turning off the cable and just DL anything i want i pretty much do now

Re: Sick of MJ on TV - sTr - 07-20-2009

anna nycole smith 2.0.....

Re: Sick of MJ on TV - XIII - 07-20-2009

Computers can be hooked up to a television.
On the internet, is up-to-date episodes of all tv shows.
Even the paid stuff is like, 60x cheaper than paying cable.
For news, you can even stream CNN and Fox News... LIVE.

Why do we have TV again?

Re: Sick of MJ on TV - sTr - 07-20-2009

word, ! have my pc hooked to my tv with HDMI, tv tuner going through Windows Media Center, and even media center has a lot of shows from major channel built into it, and you can set it up to grab all your files... on top of that ! use orb to stream my tv to my laptop anywhere ! have internet...

Re: Sick of MJ on TV - dirtymonkey22 - 07-20-2009

right now i DL movies and shit convert it to mpeg2 format and i can stream in to my cable box so i can watch it on tv without burning it

Re: Sick of MJ on TV - sTr - 07-20-2009

Free is the only way to go....