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crackheads in michigan? - Printable Version

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crackheads in michigan? - Insanecowposse - 07-19-2009

I was stopped at the red light when these two crackheads went about rambling some incoherent bullshit so i had to record it.

Re: crackheads in michigan? - sTr - 07-19-2009

It said the vid isn't available....

Re: crackheads in michigan? - Insanecowposse - 07-19-2009

it works for me but maybe you gotta wait a minute cus i just posted it.

Re: crackheads in michigan? - Ms Felony - 07-19-2009

how do you know they were crackheads, They didn't look like crackheads to me.

Re: crackheads in michigan? - Grimlin - 07-19-2009

Ms Felony Wrote:They didn't look like crackheads to me.

Me either....They seem like normal black people to me. :?

Re: crackheads in michigan? - Autumn - 07-19-2009

Maybe he thinks all black people are crackheads?

Re: crackheads in michigan? - Grimlin - 07-19-2009

I wish I understood what they were saying....

Re: crackheads in michigan? - sTr - 07-19-2009

bajaj, ! miss the redlight crazies from detroit...

Re: crackheads in michigan? - Star - 07-19-2009

i'm watching some episode of cops and this crazy bitch who is supposedly 33 but looks 53 is ranting about her stepdad not taking her to the hospital because she had a spider bite, and she's gone to jail for him before because she beat his ass with a broomstick when she was five months pregnant because he slammed her son in the door or some such, and her mom is wearing a floor length nightgown. their house is fucking crazy, buckets all over the floor and it's dirty as hell, why would they want this shown on t.v.

Re: crackheads in michigan? - Star - 07-19-2009

they just arrested her for assault with a deadly weapon, which was a butter knife, now that's a crackhead.

Re: crackheads in michigan? - Insanecowposse - 07-20-2009

I guess i assumed they were crackhead cus of the way they were talking all weird. Maybe they just talk that way but it sounded like they were drunk or on something or just straight up retarded. Stars story is way more entertaining tho thats some crazy stuff.