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! left my stupid phone at home.... - Printable Version

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! left my stupid phone at home.... - sTr - 07-15-2009

! guess it's not the biggest deal in the world, but ! like it when ! go on smoke breaks. If dramatically decreases the time people try to talk to me, just fake a call, or start a post on b6... fuck forgetting shit....

Re: ! left my stupid phone at home.... - Star - 07-15-2009


I was going to go to work today, but it's pouring down rain, so I'm going tomorrow instead...

Re: ! left my stupid phone at home.... - sTr - 07-15-2009

it actually looks like it might rain out here today.... ! doubt it, but would be the first time in like a month... probably longer....

Re: ! left my stupid phone at home.... - dirtymonkey22 - 07-15-2009

were getting t storms today

Re: ! left my stupid phone at home.... - Star - 07-15-2009

yeah, i like storms, it's an excuse to stay inside in my pajamas all day

Re: ! left my stupid phone at home.... - sTr - 07-15-2009

! angry guy with a mac on the phone, he's mad because he bought his mac because it's so easy, yet he doesn't know how to use it. ! wanna be like, the problems not with your remote, it's with your lack of skill with a second rate computer... and they all have that "!'m better then you" condescending voice.... and this is not all mac users, just the dumb ones that don't know how to use their macs....

Re: ! left my stupid phone at home.... - Star - 07-15-2009

you only have to put up with that shit for like another month, right

Re: ! left my stupid phone at home.... - dirtymonkey22 - 07-15-2009

i hate everything mac they take away to much freedom like with the ipod for 1 you can get the same gb mp3 player for half the price and not stuck useing itunes 2 u cant take songs for ur ipod and put them on any computer or any computer the only good thing from apple is the i phone and even with that ur stuck with at&t and $125 bill and everyone buys into apples bs because they make it easyer for people who dont know any better

Re: ! left my stupid phone at home.... - sTr - 07-15-2009

not sure, !'m just fuckin with this dude because he's so easy to piss off... ! told him to call mac to learn about the essential controls of his device. he was like "I have been troubleshooting electronics and computers for over 20 years", made install on his pc... guess what, it worked.... we are back at his mac now trying to get it to work there.... 50 min so far.... !'m gonna try and stay on the line for 3 hours for this one... less work for me...

Re: ! left my stupid phone at home.... - Grimlin - 07-15-2009

agagaga @ working with electronics for 2o years and yet not knowing what the fuck he is doing.

Re: ! left my stupid phone at home.... - sTr - 07-15-2009

that was the best part, ! got it to work on his pc, as well as his other mac. ! advised him to contact mac, and he was going crazy, he was like macs don't break, can't you see it's your software and all this shit. ! then reiterated that we got it to work on another mac, as well as a pc. fuck him, eat a dick mac boy!!

Re: ! left my stupid phone at home.... - Grimlin - 07-15-2009

STRetard Wrote:that was the best part, ! got it to work on his pc, as well as his other mac. ! advised him to contact mac, and he was going crazy, he was like macs don't break, can't you see it's your software and all this shit. ! then reiterated that we got it to work on another mac, as well as a pc. fuck him, eat a dick mac boy!!

Fluff's going to have a field day with this.......

Re: ! left my stupid phone at home.... - sTr - 07-15-2009

is he a mac fag?

Re: ! left my stupid phone at home.... - Grimlin - 07-15-2009

No,he hates Macs.... XIII is the one that uses them. They used to get into long ass debates about Macs.

Re: ! left my stupid phone at home.... - sTr - 07-15-2009

XIII just likes to argue, we all know he hates that shitty mac... riddle me this, why do most mac users install windows on it? because osx is fucking stupid, it sucks and nobody cares to figure it out except fanboys.

Re: ! left my stupid phone at home.... - Grimlin - 07-15-2009

LOL,I wouldn't know....I don't know shit about Macs.

Re: ! left my stupid phone at home.... - sTr - 07-15-2009

Most Mac Users Wrote:I don't know shit about Macs.

Re: ! left my stupid phone at home.... - Star - 07-15-2009

i tried to use a mac once on campus because the windows computers were taken, it fucking sucked and i didn't want to sit there for ten minutes feeling retarded because i couldn't figure out how to get it to do what i wanted it to do.

Re: ! left my stupid phone at home.... - dirtymonkey22 - 07-15-2009

macs are for morons who dont know anything atall about computers there all 1 button p.o.s s yeah they sound great but allways a catch ive hade 2 ipods and both have broke and what really sucks is that my $20 MP3PLAYER HAS LASTED 10times longer

Re: ! left my stupid phone at home.... - sTr - 07-15-2009

! love telling fags with macs to right click on shit, because for the most part they don't know that ! am hoeing them out....

Re: ! left my stupid phone at home.... - XIII - 07-15-2009

Honestly, NOBODY here knows shit about macs. If you knew something, you'd understand why people like them.

I don't know what kind of "freedom" you want. The freedom to choose winamp or WMP? I don't really care. iTunes works, and it never crashes, and it's integrated with every other program, so I can easily work with my media.

Most people that customize their windows end up making it look like a mac, with a dock, and "gadgets" and all that shit.

I have an iPhone and I pay $90 a month. With Verizon and an LG enV (not a special phone), I was paying $100 a month.

It's all just operating system preferences. OSX is way better than Windows. Also, I can run really good programs on here, meanwhile on my old windows computer, it can barely run MS Word without lagging and stalling. And no, I don't feel like updating my memory/processor/gfx shit everytime I buy a new program.

Bottom line: Macs aren't for STUPID people. Just people that would rather a computer be a go-to device, rather than something that they have to fiddle with for it to work properly.

Also, my cousin bought a 10 year old mac and put the new OSX on it, and it runs fine.

Good luck doing ANYTHING with a 10 year old windows computer.

inb4 fluffy comes here bragging, even though he has to disable images to get these pages to open.

Re: ! left my stupid phone at home.... - sTr - 07-15-2009

! understand macs, ! enjoy macs, what ! don't enjoy is the plethora of users that get macs because it's the in thing. it creates a bunch of stupid people with overpriced computers for their needs (Myspace, fap material, the view website, etc), then they expect shit to just work, but it doesn't work like they think it's every other companies fault. this dude was so pissed because this software wouldn't work on his mac downstairs, and because he had such a mac mentality he wouldn't believe that his mac was shitty and broken. we got the same software cd to work on his pc and his other mac. that's really all my point is, because ! like macs, ! just hate those bastids, !'m sure agree.

Re: ! left my stupid phone at home.... - XIII - 07-15-2009

Dude, going into the apple store makes me rage everytime. It's all valley girls and old hippy men trying to be cool.

What do you mean blu ray doesn't work on my mac?
You didn't buy a blu ray drive.
You mean I gotta buy a blu ray drive, too? I thought this computer was supposed to have everything?

And Mac Geniuses are supposed to treat these people like they're always right, feeding into that mentality.

I had a similar problem and I probably looked like an asshole, but it was totally not my fault. I switched from Verizon to get an iPhone the other day. I kept my number and they transferred everything over except my voice mailbox. I'd get calls on the iPhone, then when they left a voicemail, it'd go to the Verizon.

But still, you can't just generalize users like that. I mean, are all Windows users zit-covered, fat kids that eat hot pockets 10 times a day and live in a basement trolling message boards? I sure hope not. Although, they DO exist....

Re: ! left my stupid phone at home.... - XIII - 07-15-2009

Also, people show their true ignorance with the "no right-click" argument. Not only can I right click,
[Image: Picture2-6.png]
but I also have more useful options when I do so.

Re: ! left my stupid phone at home.... - sTr - 07-15-2009

that's the best part, macs have had right click option forever, most people are

1. too stupid to know about their machine
2. wouldn't know how to enable it if they did know

Re: ! left my stupid phone at home.... - XIII - 07-15-2009

I just choose mac because I like:
1 program for chatting, 1 for media, 1 for all mail.

Mac has that.

I hated windows where I'd play my mp3s in one program, videos in another, have to open a browser for email, when I plug any USB device into it, I'd have proprietary software forcefed to my computer.

It just got so tiresome. It's not even about security or whatever for me. Even though I don't need anti-virus software because the mac is fairly safe. I remember fluffy tried to crash it with his hacker skills, and he sent me a link I had to click. I clicked it, and a pop up came up telling me that the link would fuck up my computer and they were redirecting me to my home page. I clicked Ok and ended up on

Like I said, most people that hate on macs are remembering the pre-steve jobs mac. Where there was nothing to it. The mac you have today is useful, powerful, fun, and easy. That's what I want.

The whole, "Windows is good if you know what you're doing," is BULLSHIT. It's like, Honda Civics are good cars, but you have to know what you're doing. They're NOT good because in order for them to BE good, you need to get other parts to put in it. I don't care how cheap the parts are, I like my shit to come in ONE piece, and have a warranty that says if it's fucked up someone else needs to replace it. And they do.

Re: ! left my stupid phone at home.... - Ms Felony - 07-15-2009

Thats the thing, just the other day I had to download another stupid program just so i could veiw and print off a user manual that was made in some random fucking word program, I'm probably not even going to use the program again and if i was a total noob it would just be sat there doing nothing and hogging my resources. Fire Face

Re: ! left my stupid phone at home.... - Paullehh - 07-15-2009

Two things that would stop me using a mac.
1- they are not nearly powerfull enough for me.

Actualy 3 things....they are girly looking.

Re: ! left my stupid phone at home.... - XIII - 07-15-2009

Yeah, and here's another pain in the ass. I get a printer. I hook it up to a Windows computer, they make me install a program for it to work. The printer breaks, I have to take it back a week later. They say it's a bad model and I should get a different kind. I do... it comes with another program. Uninstalling is a pain in the ass when you have to do it FOR NO REASON.

Not only that but there's always hidden programs. Photo editing software, scanner drivers, all that shit. All of it just sitting on your damn computer.

With the mac, I plug in the printer, go into printer settings on the mac, it recognizes it. I use it. And all of its functions. Without a problem.

Pauliehh - don't let numbers fool you. Even though my computer is specced lower than yours (maybe not, actually), I'll bet I could do anything faster than you can.

And my computer isn't a toy. I use it for work and school. But there are a lot of games for it. I don't really care though, because that's a huge waste of time.

Re: ! left my stupid phone at home.... - Paullehh - 07-15-2009

XIII Wrote:Pauliehh - don't let numbers fool you. Even though my computer is specced lower than yours (maybe not, actually), I'll bet I could do anything faster than you can.

Ok i'll take you up on that.
Bare in mind i run a core i7 @3.8ghz with 6gb ddr3 1654 mhz..
I'm gona complete things a long long time before your mac

Re: ! left my stupid phone at home.... - sTr - 07-15-2009

hey XIII, off subject but, what's some good video editing software?

Re: ! left my stupid phone at home.... - XIII - 07-15-2009

STRetard Wrote:hey XIII, off subject but, what's some good video editing software?
Final Cut Pro and Avid are industry standards. Both are on macs. I think you can run avid on Windows now, but it's probably terrible. I base that on nothing, though, so I might be wrong.

Pauliehh... I dunno how to compare the speed at which we could do stuff. Your memory is slightly better than mine, and my processor is slightly better than yours. But I use a functional OS, and you don't. So I'm probably faster.

Re: ! left my stupid phone at home.... - N-Do - 07-15-2009

Well I'm slower then both of yall, so fuck. You suck.

Re: ! left my stupid phone at home.... - Paullehh - 07-15-2009

XIII Wrote:
STRetard Wrote:hey XIII, off subject but, what's some good video editing software?
Final Cut Pro and Avid are industry standards. Both are on macs. I think you can run avid on Windows now, but it's probably terrible. I base that on nothing, though, so I might be wrong.

Pauliehh... I dunno how to compare the speed at which we could do stuff. Your memory is slightly better than mine, and my processor is slightly better than yours. But I use a functional OS, and you don't. So I'm probably faster.
Lol how out of the loop about cpu's are you?
The fastest chip supplied in a mac (would be a intel xeon chip) wont even compete remotely close to the i7 in my rig.
Fatest ram speed for max is 1o66mhz i belive, that's ddr2 speeds.
Also your ram runs duel channel as oposed to the i7 and tripple channel.
I7 is the fastest cpu tech intel have ever done and the fastest on the market barr none.

Will give you some software etc for fair testing and show you how far behind the mac realy is.
3d testing will be even funnier than cpu stressing.

Re: ! left my stupid phone at home.... - XIII - 07-15-2009

I dunno, I run Maya 3d animation studio, Final Cut Pro, all that shit. I render entire projects in like, 5 minutes tops.

That ain't bad.

Once again, Pauliehh, you are still underestimating the importance of a competent operating system. If you're not running that power efficiently, then you're not running that power. It's all just specs and numbers.