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I'm so EXCITED!! - Printable Version

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I'm so EXCITED!! - Autumn - 07-14-2009

22 days til I get to see Alyssha and Fred; and hopefully Steph, Krystal, Travis.. and the rest of the gang (here with Faaaaat Albert). I can't waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaait!!!!

Re: I'm so EXCITED!! - sTr - 07-14-2009

party time, make sure you get mad pics.... ! still might go, probably not though....

Re: I'm so EXCITED!! - Star - 07-14-2009

I can't wait either, hopefully this year we can all spend way more time together. Come on Stephan, you know you want to.

Re: I'm so EXCITED!! - sTr - 07-14-2009

just don't know if ! wanna spend that much time on the road, if ! go !'ll probably fly, is there an airport closer then o'haire?

Re: I'm so EXCITED!! - Star - 07-14-2009

probably not

Re: I'm so EXCITED!! - Star - 07-14-2009

actually, if you could fly somewhere in northern kentucky, that'd probably be closer than o'hare, because the gathering is way down south in illinois on the border of kentucky

Re: I'm so EXCITED!! - juggalogigolo - 07-14-2009

cmon stephan, its been to fucking long since youve been to a gathern

tie to b6bq it up

Re: I'm so EXCITED!! - sTr - 07-14-2009

! Would be miserable with the people and the weather....

Re: I'm so EXCITED!! - OddBallFreak - 07-14-2009

Yeah the airport I went to was last year was in kentucky, like real close to the border. It's probably like 45 min away if that. Only thing was I drove in cirlces for hours and it took forever to get there.

Re: I'm so EXCITED!! - XIII - 07-15-2009

OddBallFreak Wrote:Yeah the airport I went to was last year was in kentucky, like real close to the border. It's probably like 45 min away if that. Only thing was I drove in cirlces for hours and it took forever to get there.
OddBallFreak Wrote:I drove in cirlces for hours
OddBallFreak Wrote:it took forever to get there.

Problem detected. Next time don't drive in circles for hours.

Re: I'm so EXCITED!! - Autumn - 07-15-2009

haha Krystal <3 We had a loooooong drive there, too. Stephan, you should definitely go.. and MAD pictures will be taken (along with happy ones, too! ;]). Drag Pat and Ricky with you too.

Re: I'm so EXCITED!! - juggalogigolo - 07-15-2009

word, all you fags need to come

Re: I'm so EXCITED!! - Autumn - 07-15-2009

Yeah, since I didn't make it to the gotj where a bunch of b6ers were...

Re: I'm so EXCITED!! - juggalogigolo - 07-15-2009

those were the good times

first outdoor gathern = best gathern evar