Board 6
Michael Jackson's Punch-Out! - Printable Version

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Michael Jackson's Punch-Out! - dirtymonkey22 - 07-14-2009

Re: Michael Jackson's Punch-Out! - sTr - 07-14-2009

! can't wait to get home to watch this.... someone describe it for me...

Re: Michael Jackson's Punch-Out! - Paullehh - 07-14-2009

Animation putting jakko in the punchout video game.
Work safe.

Re: Michael Jackson's Punch-Out! - TheB6Bitch - 07-14-2009

hahaha awsome

Re: Michael Jackson's Punch-Out! - N-Do - 07-14-2009

thats decent, but the moonwalker game is REAL and much more entertaining because the mission of the game is to save little kids hiding in closets,in car trunks, ect. No Lie. + its a Genesis game. :)

Re: Michael Jackson's Punch-Out! - sTr - 07-14-2009

* remembers it *

twas bad ass....

Re: Michael Jackson's Punch-Out! - Paullehh - 07-14-2009

There is a new jakko video game in the works right now.

Re: Michael Jackson's Punch-Out! - N-Do - 07-14-2009

bet its not going to be anything like Moonwalker though

Re: Michael Jackson's Punch-Out! - Paullehh - 07-14-2009

Fuck knows .
it's happening though.
Peep the read.
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