Board 6
I got an old man drunk - Printable Version

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I got an old man drunk - Insanecowposse - 07-13-2009

Dirtymonkey22 aka Larry's dad went to pick up some cigs at the liquor store. I picked up some bacardi 151 some peanuts and 2 NoZ Energy shots. Somehow my uncle got one of the energy drinks and then asked for his <shot>
his son Larry's bro thought he meant a shot of the booze and made him a glass of 151 and OJ. He meant his insulin shot <oops> So within 20 minutes he had 151 and energy drink and insulin. within 5 minutes of all of that he was out cold for a very long times snoring like a mofo.

Re: I got an old man drunk - sTr - 07-13-2009

Bajaj, the craziness that is your family... good times...

Re: I got an old man drunk - Autumn - 07-14-2009

Are you sure he didn't go into sugar shock? A diabetic drinking alcohol of that caliber must not be good, on top of the sugarcane that is an energy drink.

Re: I got an old man drunk - sTr - 07-14-2009

believe me, these guys don't care...

Re: I got an old man drunk - Alyzzia - 07-14-2009

Did you violate him?

Re: I got an old man drunk - Insanecowposse - 07-14-2009

He is fine. The insulin actually lowers his sugar level. He woke up naked thats all i am going to say.<no homo>

Re: I got an old man drunk - dirtymonkey22 - 07-14-2009

my bros a homo what do u mean no homo he prob put a rufi in that bitch no really my bros gay but hasent had sex with eather sex yet but acks super flaming i dont talk to my fam that much

Re: I got an old man drunk - Alyzzia - 07-14-2009

Off topic.. Dirtymonkey your sig is mesmerizing

Re: I got an old man drunk - dirtymonkey22 - 07-14-2009

thank i think im gona change it

Re: I got an old man drunk - sTr - 07-14-2009

word, but it was awesome while it lasted...

Re: I got an old man drunk - Autumn - 07-14-2009

My cousin, who's younger than me, is diabetic and drinks like a sailor.. (Is that a mix-up of two sayings?)