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Hilarious Hardees commercial - Printable Version

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Hilarious Hardees commercial - Insanecowposse - 07-09-2009

Re: Hilarious Hardees commercial - sTr - 07-09-2009

it's a hard choice... ! love A-Holes, but !'ve been know to fuck up a B-Hole as well...

Re: Hilarious Hardees commercial - N-Do - 07-09-2009

yeah i just seen this the other day on AOTS i think, thats good marketing right there

Re: Hilarious Hardees commercial - sTr - 07-10-2009

! couldn't believe when ! realized this was a real commercial, makes it that much more epic...

Re: Hilarious Hardees commercial - Star - 07-10-2009

those things look gross, though. when i saw the sign on the front of our hardee's i thought they were just little biscuits and they would give you gravy or something to dip it in, how is a piece of fried cinnamon with icing a biscuit?

Re: Hilarious Hardees commercial - dirtymonkey22 - 07-10-2009

because fat people will call food anything they want

Re: Hilarious Hardees commercial - Star - 07-10-2009

Yeah. I'm definitely not anywhere near thin, but I've been eating a lot better, and now some of the shit that I used to eat grosses me out, because it's so fucking bad for you...fried cinnamon and icing in the morning, what a great way to jumpstart your metabolism.

Re: Hilarious Hardees commercial - dirtymonkey22 - 07-10-2009

i hear ya my car broke down so i have to ride my bike to work right now its weird i feel good after i get there but since iam about 50lbs heaver then when i used to ride like that all the time my knees bin killing me

Re: Hilarious Hardees commercial - sTr - 07-10-2009

Bike riding FTW, ! Bought a badass schwinn racing bike a few weeks back, shit is G....

Re: Hilarious Hardees commercial - dirtymonkey22 - 07-10-2009

fuck that my bike sucks mega balls on top of i havent lost ant weight